Along with talking about her legs and breasts when she was a baby, as others have noted, he also said on Howard Stern’s show that she was an accident that he did really did not want and implied that he hinted to Marla to get an abortion.
Along with talking about her legs and breasts when she was a baby, as others have noted, he also said on Howard Stern’s show that she was an accident that he did really did not want and implied that he hinted to Marla to get an abortion.
As a New York resident, I thought this whole thing would be over by the time the primary came here. So, I didn’t pick, because I didn’t think I’d have to. I was happy we had two great candidates in the running. But now primary day is fast approaching and I honestly wasn’t sure who to vote for. On the one hand, I like…
No. Actually, I was on my own my own in that department from about 11 on. But I had a single working mom, and I know that’s not everyone’s experience.
Came here to say that myself. Fuck those girls.
Wow, $50/month was a dealbreaker?
Yeah, but at a certain point, when do we start calling this “Living with your parents”?
Well, duh. I could vote for Adolf Hitler and living here in New York, it would not affect the outcome in any way. Of course we’re all worried about swing states. But to go out and tell people everywhere to just stay home or throw your vote away if you don’t get your preferred primary candidate, well, it’s just like a…
You’re certainly right about all of the above. But is it not also a fact that if everyone in Florida who voted for Nader (and all of the other 3rd party candidates) Gore would have won? Also, who’s to say what might have happened had Nader lent his progressive fire to the Gore campaign, instead of fueling his own ego…
Wow. Way to pick up on my homophonic typo. I like Bernie, I do. But at this point, he doesn’t have much chance of winning the primary. So, I’ll pick the lesser of the two evils. And, just a side note, perhaps the level of petulant know-it-all-ism among Bernie’s hardcore supporters is one of the reasons he’s not doing…
Just keep in mind that a vote for Stein (or whoever isn’t the Dem nominee) is a vote for Trump or, even worse, Cruz. That should weigh more heavily on your conscious. Take it from someone who voted for Nader in 2000. Learn from my foolish mistakes.
Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire... although at least Florida has nice weather...
Prior to 1964, you mean.
Former Hoosier here too. No wonder everyone who has means and opportunity leaves as soon as they can.
Could be his wife, who took over his seat?
Eh. For as little that gets accomplished there, she’s almost wasted in the senate.
I feel so dirty for wanting him. It would be the best hatefuck ever.
What? My old cranky self would’ve called the cops.
I feel tingling in my lady parts at the idea of Obama on the SCOTUS. Oh, please, oh, please!