
I’m curious about the sizing they’re using. What exactly is size 38-48 in today’s sizes? Surely that’s not on par with today’s sizes. I don’t think normal Plus sizes go past 30 or thereabouts.

And the Grand Canyon. That’s pretty. Keep that. Bulldoze the rest for all I care.

The answer: the 3 Rs (Racism, Religion, AR-14s).

Yeah. Was thinking maybe he tapped the brakes to turn off cruise control.

I don’t know, I’m picking up on some very subtle shade going on in Amber’s message to Kim. On the surface, she’s cheering Kim on, but the subliminal messaage is that Kim is late to the party on slut shaming and is only speaking up now when it’s convenient/beneficial for her. And that Amber’s been out protesting about

It sounds like that higher power might be you. Congratulations. Two years sobriety is quite an acheivement.

Nope, that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works. See Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Whatever nonsense Zoe might have said in the past, I get very uncomfortable with the idea of telling a black woman that she’s “not black enough” to play a black woman.

Regarding “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” the interiors of her apartment were actually shot in the building where I was living at the time. This was 2003, and I lived with two other roommates in a (converted from 1 br to 3br) 6th-floor walkup. We were paying $2250 total. She had the first floor 1 bedroom, which was

Wait. What? I haven’t heard of this before. Off to Google...

Campbells too. And their saucy replies to hate posts were awesome.

Funny. Especially considering that most likely there would be no Ann Coulter without Gloria Steinem. Women voicing opinions in public! Where’s my smelling salts?

Ha, I wrote an email too, but compared to yours, it sounded like, “Lands’ End BAD. Wimmen GOOD.”

Of course. But I guess I just put the feminism in the forefront. Because abortion is ancillary to that, a tool rather than a goal ... not the point. For me, at least.

I weep for the future. I guess I’m glad I had a son. Because it’d be really difficult to explain to a daughter why she’s a second-class citizen. But, I guess, I’ll need to explain this shit to my son anyway, so he doesn’t become one of them.

This fucking guy! But I hand it to him for making the seemingly impossible happen: Making me root for Trump. Because even that fermented cheese doodle is better than this fucking guy. (Sanders 2016!)

I work in corporate communications. I have to say that honestly I would fucking quit in a Jerry Maguire-esque meltdown before issuing a fucking apology about trying to help end gender discrimination. I’d be fucking out.

This is crazy. How can any of these parents be against ending gender discrimination? How has feminism become a dogwhistle for abortion? I don’t understand these people. How do they sleep at night?

HOLD UP. She’s drinking Cordyceps. That’s the fungal parasite that latches on to insects like ants and literally takes over their brains. Like a crazy mind-control mushroom. Suddenly, this lady makes sense.

Good point. He’s probably got a 5 mm layer of shellac keeping that one long strand in place.