I’m still so young, so I’m just having fun.
I’m still so young, so I’m just having fun.
It’s sad that Rubio, who seems to oppose abortion in nearly all cases (e.g. rape and incest even), is considered a “moderate” these days. I kinda miss McCain.
Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?
If any Democrat had a history of attacking people with hammers and knives their campaign would be O-V-E-R. Funny how Republican voters just lap that shit up. Psychos.
They’re half the reason I read the articles now. I feel like there needs to be an open thread of Trump nicknames among the Gawker staff now.
Piss would’ve completed the trifecta, but that and a woman menstruating would’ve completed the cycle.
It really makes you appreciate blisters.
Jennifer Aniston was replaced in Brad Pitt’s love life and everyone in the world has kept noticing for years and years and years.
Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.
I think there is still some conflation going on here between middle class, and upper middle class, which is where the cracking inequality in our society is most visible. When you write, “Every house we hit here for Halloween was produced within an inch of its life—just in case any child in the county didn’t feel…
They are wealthy enough to have great expectations for their kids, but poor enough to not have all the tools to get them meet those expectations (ie right preschool, right private school, right college, right connections for jobs).
The thing that’s hilarious about this to me is that West Point is a service academy, so it’s free for everyone who attends (plus a stipend, I believe). So, like, not only is this a lie, it’s impossible.
“My bad behavior is some woman’s fault.”
Or Madonna in Shanghai Surprise #neverforget.
Quinn nails the calculus involved
Child victims of sexual molestation or rape may not appear to object, because they do not understand what is happening to them, and just go along with whatever the adult wants. That's not consent, that's waiting for things to be over.
That is actually my #1 favorite baby of all time!
Do we know if the baby had an older toddler sibling? Older toddler siblings can be mean little bastards.