well it is tuesday
well it is tuesday
I'm always shocked when unfettered capitalism turns out to be exploitive. Shocked I tell you, simply shocked.
Are you referring to Cold Hands in Book 5?
The other day, I saw her book in a bookstore and moved it back to the fiction section.
Isn't that referring to the noun rather than the adjective?
I read recently that his public outfits are chosen to put that specific retro image of George in peoples’ minds. So that when he’s out and about in his normal clothes, people think he’s just some random kid. If it’s true, it’s pretty smart.
Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions by providing birth control and women’s healthcare than any jackass right wing group ever has. Fuck those jerks.
So, finally a good reason to go to Ohio? You know, other than cedar point.
They are consistently models of their Christian values in their homes, their communities, and their churches.
Good. I’ll be rested and well fed on microwaved baked potatoes by then. Plenty of carbs. YUM.
painfully accurate statement.
It seems like most “30 minute meals” assume you have all your chopping done before the clock starts, which is just misleading...
Literally the worst thing I ever heard was sitting next to the Greek Club pool in Khartoum, Sudan. I got talking with the lady on the sun lounge next to me, as you do, and it turned out she was Finnish and had been in Khartoum for 6 months. I was curious and asked her how a Finn came to live in a country that is the…
If you call the Department of State and say “My ex is an arms dealer, did you know? Pls revoke his visa!” does State just say “Okay!” with no research? I’m thinking no.
worth noting it was actually bob odenkirk who wrote the matt foley bit.
This sketch does not get nearly enough praise, but I think it might be his best:
Farley is one of three celebrities whose death really bothers me (Phil Hartman and Dave Brockie being the other two). It’s so sad that he’s no longer with us. A real loss to the entertainment world. It’s gonna be a while before I can watch this.
So what am I so afraid of?
I was blessed by the Johnson & Johnson lady when I was 11 (shortly before my first period actually). She came to our school and had open frank discussions about periods and anal sex. Showed us the archaic pads of the past and left us with adorable samples of tampons. (Which I promptly destroyed a red pen to…