
My mother's idea of discussing periods/ sex to ask me with a red face and in a pained whisper if I "knew about all that." I really had no idea, but I just nodded since it seemed like the thing to do.

Yeah, and when I got mine I really couldn't believe it. I remember being shocked that it just kind of leaked out all the time. I had had some vague notion that it was more like peeing blood, something you could mostly hold in until you were ready (thanks to a video that had more flowers and dippy music than facts and

So glad that Jia pointed out that periods don't need to be sacred hippy-dippy bullshit to be regarded as something normal and not shameful. Ghod, I hate hippy-dippy bullshit. But the secrecy around periods is profoundly misogynistic - and, talking about our periods is HILARIOUS AND GREATLY TO BE ENCOURAGED.

I never thought the internet would force me to be #TeamPeriodStain, but here we are.

I don't even think they need that much money. The test would be something simple like "Does this box of Taco Bell Doritos Tacos Locos look appetizing to you?"


This is a show with an racially-integrated cast, and it's working its way through stereotypes. Given that they've already go the white lead choosing the Asian guy over the white guy, that suggests a progressive bent to the show. I say, give it time.

Ok so am I crazy for asking my husband to use tp to wipe up pee dribbles from the floor at the base of the toilet? Because he swears I am the worst nag in the world for doing this. I just don't want my pant hem in piss every time I go! He even goes as far as to deny that it's pee and couldn't possibly have gotten

WTF am I doing with my life

Maybe it's because Madonna has built her entire career on passing off other people's innovations as her own and making sure the original authors of things don't get as much credit for their work as she does.

he is thinking "5th element"

I never thought any member of the Black Eyed Peas and I would agree.

If I ever have a daughter, I would want to know that she can kill for domination, control, and humiliation if that's what she chooses.

Bull terriers are so sweet. I grew up with one and he was so loving and patient. Very protective of me too, it was suprising.

I assumed that's why the doctor in this video administered a sedative first before completing his exam...

Yeeeeaah. You can tell that that dog is super aggressive...

Patient dog is patient.

I agree with you. If we take positions of power into consideration when a sex act happens. Then we have to conclude that Bill Clinton is a rapist for what he did to Monica. And as a rapist he should have been impeached. And I don't want to live in a world where Newt Gingrich was right about Bill deserving to be kicked

Another pro-lifer GOP type who values life right up till birth.