
My almost-two-year-old is really into the Little Blue Truck. Also many of the Sandra Boynton books are his favorites. The Belly Button Book, Pajama Time!, Baa Moo La La La. I’m also a fan of “Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes,” by Helen Oxbury. It shows how babies all around the world all have 10 little fingers

I can totally relate to this, but about New York. I grew up in the rust belt, with a dream of one day moving to the biggest of big cities. After college, I did just that, with no job and nothing but a backpack. Somehow, I scored a decent apartment in the Village, which I shared with two other girls from my college.

Thanks for opening this thread. I’m glad I’m not alone in having a mean big sister. She used to beat me up regularly until I turned about 14. It was then one time that she attacked me, and we sort of rolled down the stairs together. I miraculously landed on top when we hit the bottom, and I was finally strong enough

And doesn’t a goat drink his bathwater? I DIE

Yeah. She must have slept with someone’s boyfriend.

It’s got dead eyes, like a doll’s eyes.

Yep, been calling that since the first debate. His comparative normalcy and youthful good (for a republican) looks will be enough to make people forget thirstgate.

Yeah, because no one ever gets shot here in ‘murica.

You sir, are either the best or the worst person in the world. I can’t figure out which.

Are you implying that her reading a book was in anyway preventing anyone from exercising their civil rights? As for your assertion about protesters preventing people from excercising their civil rights, how come this argument never comes up with respect to anti-abortion protesters? The only good protest is your

Because they had a blister from new shoes!! That one always gets me.

Have you talked to your wife about why she isn’t “taking advantage” of these leisure opportunities? If she’s anything like me, it’s because she feels like she’s got too much shit to do, failing that, she’s probably just fucking exhausted.

Man, forget kids. I want to know how you two are surviving in NYC on 35K a year take home. Is your housing already paid for? Otherwise, please teach me this magic you are doing.

But couldn’t he just go by Mike?

This happened to my (adoptive) father when he was a kid in an orphanage in Wisconsin. It’s real, people.

I am unclear how the guest bears responsibility? Ass too big?

I agree. But I think it’s the men who feel stifled and emasculated by today’s “politically correct” society who wish that they could all go back to being manly men who hunt for the food and live by their wits and bravery. You can pretty much guess where women fit into this paradigm for them. We’re back where we’re

Karl is giving us a master class in shade right there.

I will never disparage a thermos that fits ice cubes.

Yep. Great points. Suckage upon suckage.