
I think he makes sense. In the book, Pierre isn’t exactly a hunky character.

In fact, there’s no other way to make an acceptable grilled cheese.

I saw Kelly walking around midtown east last week with her two kids. Her son was on one of these.

I imagine if I went to prison for an unforgiveable crime, eating these 3 things every day would be my punishment.

Microwaved baked potato? We shall duel at dawn, sir.


Is it wrong of me to comment on how beautiful Jessica Williams is? I mean, just knock out gorgeous. Sigh #girlcrush

That is a Mercedes hood ornament, which makes it so much better.

Co-sign. I had to go back after 16 weeks, for which I feel lucky, but I will say, looking back 18 months later, I can barely remember those first few months back at work. Just total exhaustion. I’d sit down on the train to commute, and within 5 minutes, I’d be fully asleep. Not like, cat-nappy asleep, I mean full-on

And you know what, Kelly? Scrubbing toilets is a lot more honest job than sitting on TV making fun of other rich people’s clothes.

Can’t Anonymous swoop in and hack the hackers? You know, defend the innocent and punish evil?

Thanks for using your superpowers for good, Warren.

What is that?

My condolences.

So? I put it on my work computer. Or is it a shared computer?

I agree that many activists aren’t really concerned with reducing the number of abortions, but I don’t think their goal is to stop women from having sex either. I’m much more cynical. To maintain the status quo, the machine needs ranks upon ranks of poor, young, uneducated people to fill their armies, minimum-wage

Ad Blocker Plus will stop the ads with no problems re changing content. Not so sure about the auto play videos.

Ad Blocker Plus, my friend. I don’t see any ads, anywhere.

Same. My dog had a paralytic event (long story), where she lost the most of the use of her back legs. I took her to PT where they took her on an underwater treadmill, eventually she was able to use her legs again. The vet said she’d probably never walk again, but here she is running.

Nordstrom ladies’ lounge for the win!