At least Trump isn’t a war criminal who killed thousands and sanctioned torture...yet.
At least Trump isn’t a war criminal who killed thousands and sanctioned torture...yet.
I agree with you and Cabbage Patch Mather, but I would take it a step further. It is not just that Trump is impacting the American psyche (though he is). It is that the man is actively undermining the institutions and independent arbiters of fact that hold a democracy together. Attacks on the press (while endorsing an…
The public rehabilitation of W’s image is one of the more revolting side effects of Trump’s presidency. It makes me shudder to think of what vile monster could come along later and make Trump himself look good.
It may turn out that the tangible results (economic, human life) of Trump’s leadership, from a future perspective, won’t be as bad as what we saw under Bush.
A whole lot of people died and were tortured under Bush. I think that’s much worse than emboldening some chuds.
Ike is an odd situation because prior to the election of 1952, everyone knew he would run but he had never indicated a party. The schism forming between more hardline conservatives and the Rockefeller republicans pushed him to run with the GOP.
Unless you wound up dead because of him.
What about Eisenhower? That’s not a suggestion, I’m sincerely asking someone to explain it to me; was he a good or bad president? I know a lot about 20th Century history, but Eisenhower’s administration is this weird blind spot for me.
I loved Blondie for some reason
When I was a small kid - before they developed the likes of The Far Side and Calvin & Hobbes - Beetle Bailey was my favorite strip.
Nah. Mort Walker realized that it was no laughing matter twenty years ago and had a storyline where the General attended sensitivity training. I couldn’t find the actual strip where he apologies to her but I found the old CNN article.
A lot of people on Twitter reacted to the Max Landis and T.J. Miller accusations with “You can tell he’s guilty because he looks creepy.” That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works!
Looks like we’re finally there! Thanks for breaking it out, and yeah that is exactly what it looks like. The impression I have from these pictures and the little info I’ve heard is they’re going pretty deep into the Mar-Vell origins AND bringing in Skrulls. Which makes me a little giddy.
This thread has proven to be neither interesting nor enjoyable (or matter that much), and now takes up a ridiculous chunk of the first part of the comments, so thank you so much for that.
The men are shredded so straight male audience can self-insert themselves in the role, and the women aren’t so the straight male audience can fantasize about them. I’m sure Brie Larson would go to the gym if she was told to for the role, but it’s more that they don’t want her to, so lets not put the blame on her.
You’re the customer they want. “Oh, this sounds like a good deal... hope I remember to use it enough to make it worth it.”
That actually is enough to justify it, as Movie Pass is cheaper than one matinee screening per month (at least going by LA ticket prices).
Rudd did in fact got ripped to play Antman. They even had a shirtless scene.
If this is her origin story, she should be as fit as other retired air force colonels. Checking google images, I’m pretty sure she’s got that in the bag.