
This was a really rough week for me. A lot of psychological pain and angst, and it was hard to find much comfort there. Thankfully, while it wasn’t a total cure and did lose its effectiveness over the week, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has been helping me. I finished the third boss - the opera singing Phantom -

I attended a talk by Burns last week, and he made a pretty damning allusion to the current president by discussing how Vietnam echoes today, referencing Nixon’s newly discovered treacherous efforts to undermine Vietnam piece in ‘68 to bolster his election chances. I really hope there is a hell, so Nixon can be there

Given the rather dismal job my high school history class did in covering Vietnam, I will definitely be watching this. I get that a documentary shouldn’t be a substitute for a textbook, but when it’s a multi-hour Ken Burns project and your textbook was about 15 years out of date, sometimes that’s the better option.

The internet can introduce you to amazing stuff you never got to hear about normally (Thank you to introducing me to Joy Division/New Order/Stone Roses) but man some of the fan communities can be the fucking worst.

Basically the entire Country & Western genre. I hated it as kid because that’s what my parents listened to. At some point I was listening to a lot of Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, et al., and it dawned on me that many of my favorite songs were straight up Country & Western, and if I liked country songs song by English

Being able to approach something on your own terms - or rather, it’s own terms - is huge in a way I don’t think gets enough credit, particularly given the internet’s slavish devotion to the backlash/backlash-to-the-backlash circle of life. Preconceptions can’t just be dismissed and context is everything. Being

How were the srippers?

Many years ago I worked at a theatrical supply store. We sold costumes, tiaras, dancing shoes, material, etc. And clown supplies. The clown white, the big shoes, joy-buzzers, gloves...the whole nine yards. So in addition to dealing with ballet dancers, mimes, theater people and strippers (the store was only a few

“Set in a post-apocalyptic Africa...”

So after colonialism.  

The word was unqualified.

“Gotta love the irony of a show that became famous by taking on all targets and never holding back, now intentionally holding itself back and refusing to take on a target”

They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, And A New Era In America’s Racial Justice might seem like an unwieldy title for a TV show, but it’ll only get worse with Chris Hardwick’s Talking They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, And A New Era In America’s Racial Justice.

Personally I’m offended at the lack of trans-gendered biracial Inuits who were interviewed for the job

On the downside, should Abrams take the job, it does mean that Kennedy has once again whiffed on bringing a woman and/or person of color on board to direct a Star Wars movie.

This commentariat’s ongoing hatred of South Park is raelly baffling

I was kind of interested in Destiny 2 for a while hearing all the reviews but then remembered that it’s another game that uses compulsion tactics to keep you coming back for more and more. I have been able to kick the habits of WoW and Hearthstone in my life and I don’t need another game to scratch that itch.

I have nothing to say. I just want to see if I can finally post here again.

Pffft. Just put a cassette recorder next to your speakers and STICK IT TO THE MAN.

This lawsuit won’t stop anything. People have known for years how to download a video from youtube and then send it to a program that converts the file to mp3 format. Now they’ll just have to do it themselves rather than let a website do it for them.