
Lol! Wow..30 stars so far! Btw I’m single ladies! Hit me Up! (gets mixtape)

I’m happy to do it for the ladies without expecting it in return....

Counterpoint: Don’t fuck someone like that.

Fuck anyone who won’t go down on their partner but expects their partner to go down on them.

You would need a blue wave that gives you a blue majority in the house and a blue 2/3 majority in the senate. The senate is definitely not happening, and I’ll believe rampant district gerrymandering can be overcome for a democrat house majority when I see it.

I don’t believe for a second that Pence’s hands are squeaky clean..

Also, as someone who’s a fan of the comics and enjoys the movies, I can admit that the supergroup ones, as you call them, are totally off the rails. The standalones are where the character development and plot advancement really happens. These big get togethers are less and less actual movies and more and more just

I thought the Grimace joke was good. :)

It was about her demeanor, as shown by the punchline.

White people, we will find ANYTHING to complain about. It’s like our superpower.

But does HuckaSand even know who Aunt Lydia is? I can’t see The Handmaid’s Tale on the reading list of Ouachita Baptist U. She might have thought she was one of those colored ladies on the pancake mix box.

None of the jokes were about Sarah’s looks.

None of the jokes were about her looks. Anyone who says they were is projecting.

Oh god, I hate it when I agree with Wendy Williams.

That’s not unique to journalism, though. At least once a year one of my Criminology students will proclaim that they are going to be an FBI profiler. Usually it’s one of the least capable students in the class.

Woke is a stupid word to use.

That’s not entitlement, it’s an inflated ego bred of lots of positive attention. Literally everyone is susceptible to that if they aren’t careful. Women included.

Is this real life?