
OM NOM NOM that’s gooood Trek.

They can't help themselves.

Same. I coulda used a few season’s of “oh, you JUST missed Kirk, he went down that corridor.” or “aw, he just got on that elevator” :/

Yeah, all these idiots talking about the government tracking you through some chip implated through a needle.....and they tell everyone about it on social media that they access through their smartphone, which you just know they don’t have any location permissions turned off for anything.

anti-vaccine Facebook groups have been influencing members to not seek hospital treatment for covid-19 and even instructed them to pull their sick family members out of ICU”

I know it’s weird to latch on to one thing in this sea of crazy but I genuinely don’t get the fear of tracking. Dude, unless you don’t own a smartphone your minute-by-minute location data is already available for sale, legally, on the open market. Isn’t it a bit late to worry about that?

I’m for prison abolition except for white collar crime. Basically, just serial killers and white collar criminals in jail together.

Seriously, is anything associated with Trump not a grift?

I guess if my dad was some weird alt-right psychologist Iwould probably try to give him scurvy too!

Oh that's exactly what I think happened. If he hadn't heard the objection from the British superiors, I'm confident we never would have heard this bullshit story. We'd be hearing another one. 

I love how his account has us try to believe that he, a lowly captain, stopped the orders of the senior NATO officer for Europe (a US General) and that the British commander of the entire NATO Kosovo Taskforce Mike Jackson (also a General) saying no prior to any potential orders even reaching Blunt was the minor

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

I’m laughing so hard right now. Have we all forgotten the difference between a hideous cringe and a “call an exorcist” cringe?

Yes, like my theory that VC Andrews never had actual sex. 

At one point did the creator of that doll think, “oh shit, what have I done?” Because that is one ugly ass baby.

Musk does a better job hiding his racism I think.

The Breaking Bad film (El Camino) was a sequel - not a reboot.

I love this idea. I want a series of people with flip phones texting their friends by hitting the numbers three times in order to get the proper letter FOR AN ENTIRE SENTENCE. My fear is that low rise jeans may make a comeback though....

“Twin Peaks was bound to be incredible because Showtime gave David Lynch a TV show and free reign.”