Building a wall won’t stop them from trying to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.
Building a wall won’t stop them from trying to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.
Since global warming doesn’t exist, can we give them Florida?
Well, if you train kids from a young age that they’re supposed to avoid sex at all costs and so if sex happens to them, it’s 100% their fault and they’ll receive no social support for coming makes the job much easier for pedophiles and rapists. As they say in IT: “it’s a feature, not a bug.”
I’m just so depressed by it all. Ok, conservatives, have it your way. Unlimited guns, preschoolers surrounded by concealed carriers, no sex Ed, no contraception, no abortion, no affordable healthcare, no unions, no public schools, no food stamps, no minimum wage, more privately run prisons, and more money to the…
I mean, the ongoing existence of President Donald Trump is pretty much itself a natural contraceptive.
I remember holding off on the Bush wiretapping as being the day I for sure lost any trust in the NYTimes to be a respectable paper. It was just “a newspaper” after that.
Honestly I’m starting to hope that fancy office tower burns down with all of them inside. I mean, not really... ok, just a tiny bit...
Um, any teens period.
It also shouldn’t matter even if you did.
Or any 17 yo, as if you ask most women they will surely tell you many a tale about gross middle-aged men saying and doing disgusting shit to them well before age 17. I was 14 the first time some strange man groped my ass and I most certainly did not look “older.” I am only 5'1" and still don’t weigh over 100 lbs, so…
Congrats on the health news, though.
Yep. That’s it exactly. I want to be optimistic and grateful for my personal life, but it’s hard to do that without feeling guilty because of what is going on with so many other people. Checking out just isn’t right.
I had a day that should have been celebrated by drunken belly dancing and general hedonism (no new malignancies) and yet I could not celebrate because Generalissimo Misogynistico attacked women’s health providers the same day.
Ha! It’s weird—that’s how I thought I wrote it! The human brain is odd...
I still haven’t seen Trainspotting 2, for the same reason.
I would like to think that farm animals are liberal democrats.
Great, now my eyes have chlamydia.
Kinda conflicted about this one. On one hand, I agree stem cell research is necessary and the US does need to fund it more than we do now. On the other hand, stem cells will not cure autism because autism is not a fucking disease that can be cured.