
Cyberball 2072 is the only football video game.

This sounds pretty good, and it reminds me that I wish Jeunet, rather than Wheatley, had adapted High Rise. What we got is OK, but I think Jeunet’s version would have been much more fun.

War of the Roses

After Midnight is basically what you’re asking for.

A24, Alex Garland... I’m there.

I prefer #WheresTheBacon

My two favorite films of last year were The Green Knight and The Card Counter, so... (frowny face)

I enjoyed Dunkirk, which is the closest Nolan has come to a historical/biographical film before now. The Universal pitch sounds weird, but I see no reason why this can’t be good.

Yes. And it’s a good idea not to try, IMO.

If I’m remembering that sequence correctly, the contribution of her dogs to the fight was impressive - and something I’ve never seen before.

Attica is on Prime too, and that’s where I’m planning to start.

It seems a bit early for The Mule, doesn’t it? Obviously the writers are not adhering to the Asimov playbook, but Hober Mallow + General Riose + Kalgan seems to offer enough material for season two.

The Super Bowl is a better game, usually, but at least the Puppy Bowl offers both teams an equal number of overtime possessions.

Is she paying royalties to JG Ballard (Manhole 69)?

I only see eight superhero movies. Did I miscount? I thought one per month was the new normal.

Kudos on the alliteralicious headline.

Top Gun: Maverick, has similarly been bouncing around the schedule for the last few years in hopes of finding a palatable spot to land

That Kanye doc has too many parts. If they removed three, I might be interested.

How to Train Your Ancalagon has to be an episode title, at least.