Yeah, Mozart is a better example than that other historically famous Austrian guy.
Yeah, Mozart is a better example than that other historically famous Austrian guy.
I was disappointed that they didn’t put more effort into mixing up the matchups. One Aliens vs. Predator movie was enough. The sequels should have been:
I’ve enjoyed watching bits and pieces of whatever streams are available when I have time to pay attention. I don’t care what language it’s in, either; the commentary is rarely interesting and I like to have three windows open so at least two of them are muted anyway.
Good list. Dark Fate was seriously underrated; it was nice to see Linda Hamilton again, but I wish her character’s crankiness wasn’t dialed up to 11 the whole time. Mackenzie Davis, on the other hand, nailed it.
Thanks for butchering my post, Kinja. Keep keepin’ it real!
This is Torres’ fifth album, not third. Has the AV Club forgotten about her? Her second album got a lot of love from you guys back in 2015: Best music of 2015: The ballots (
Shouldn’t that be “Odenkirk’s Mr. Show co-star” rather than “The Arrested Development actor”?
That part never really bothered me, mostly because I didn’t see a clear alternative. “The Robocop” would be worse.
Not yet, but it’s on my list. (Another aka for Logan Marshall-Green is “that guy whose name I can never remember”)
I know I’m the only person who liked Rebootocop, but I thought JK was quite good in it.
Good point. It does look like an off-brand Craigslist. Maybe Gregslist.
Nice to see confirmation that the cursed hat will make an appearance in S3. Something tells me that listing it on eBay won’t be sufficient to get rid of it...
St. Maud is not and was never available on Prime. It popped up on the “what’s coming to Prime” (for April, I think) but that was apparently a false alarm.
Looks terrific! Nice to see that they got the ornithopters right, and I like the depiction of personal shields.
I’ve given up on Blomkamp, but at least this one doesn’t seem likely to feature sledgehammer social commentary.
He’s almost certainly talking about Canadian dollars. Still a lot of money, though.
Now that I’ve seen it... no, it doesn’t really feel like Hard Candy. Sure, the premise is similar, but PYW is more complex and nuanced. Plus it’s basically a character study, whereas HC is a home invasion thriller.
It is on Hoopla as well.
That’s a bit too much, but I wish the show would give Nadja (and her ghost) more to do.