Well, it’s been done to death. And it’s such an iconic movie that it’s nigh impossible to make a 2001 reference that doesn’t seem lazy.
Well, it’s been done to death. And it’s such an iconic movie that it’s nigh impossible to make a 2001 reference that doesn’t seem lazy.
I like Kermit the Loki. It’s a solid look.
Who knows, this could be fun. Fatone showed a pretty good sense of humor (and self-deprecation) in his guest bit in Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell.
I watched the first five minutes of Invincible and was not hooked. It seemed to be a by-the-numbers superhero story with a deliberately bland art design, and that’s not something I make time for.
I was a bit underwhelmed by Identifying Features. The story is good and it feels important, but the final twist is almost comical in its cruelty. It was a jarring end to a sad, quiet movie.
I don’t think there was ever any problem with Scott’s idea of continuing the the Alien(s) story in the context of human evolution and genetic engineering thereof. The problem is that while there may have been big ideas in the background, the actual stories focused on weirdly demonic androids torturing human nitwits.
Why do people keep putting cess in their pools?
$375K for a detective’s hat and it doesn’t even come with the whip?!
The cast of WWDITS is a wonderful combination of talented people I wasn’t familiar with plus Matt Berry! Thank goodness he is finally getting (what I hope is) the serious paycheck he thoroughly deserves.
Please tell me that it goes meta, and reveals that if any of the ACTORS die, their salary will be split among the others. That would make it a tough but interesting shoot for Neeson.
I’m pretty sure they just didn’t mention the positive and negative controls. No professional lab would just report “no product” and call it a day.
This is America, buddy. A “Cell” is the place where we keep two million people.
I had the same initial reaction, but she was so good in Watchmen that DW has been erased from my brain.
If a guy is trapped in your battery making you electricity, I think he’s closer to a slave than a nemesis.
I haven’t seen TSAM in decades, but didn’t it proudly own its ridiculousness? My strongest memory is of Sarah Silverman’s “Hmm... a fatty who likes golf and beer. Gee, Mary, where are you gonna find a gem like that?”
I’m not expecting much from The Tomorrow War, which seems about as intelligent as Independence Day. The release date suggests that’s what they were going for, too, but tweaked the timing and content for more global appeal.
Thanks for the interview.
I think it’s important to ask the right questions in a movie like this.
OG Blade Runner explained very little about how replicants “work”. Chew said that he was a genetic designer who worked on eyes. I find it more likely that he was doing research on new replicant eye designs than manufacturing eyeballs to be plugged into hand-assembled replicants, but who knows?
I haven’t seen JW3 yet, but Fishburne and his army of deadly bums was probably the silliest thing in JW2. I’m not sure that I need more of them...