“1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the territorial integrity of China” and of course, Tibet, which they basically raped and annexed in the 1950s. SO MANY Chinese there!
“1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the territorial integrity of China” and of course, Tibet, which they basically raped and annexed in the 1950s. SO MANY Chinese there!
+1/2 for the second line.
If they end up debating a year from now, for background music I’m gonna put on: “Drooling Banjos”
Is it just barely possible your wife hates you?
(Last line interrupted by four guitar leads in order to get all the words in)
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to see evidence of a billionaire being hypocritical.
I’m so bored with the dominance of Serena and the men’s Big 3 that I’d welcome some competent new faces. Hope they both stay healthy.
Now I’m sure you aren’t the real Mike Pence. Trump would have drilled you on NEVER APOLOGIZING the day after the election.
That’s only 3. He’d need to punch an innocent bystander too.
+1 ... Screw that smug little gnome.
Perhaps when Gordon Gekko said “Greed is good” too many people took it as a pronouncement from on high, rather than just a line in 1987 movie?
+1 ... I actually took the title as a sort of meta-spoiler alert, but yeah, how hard is it to type an extra 13 characters at the top of a post?
Ha, you made me kind of remember that. Believe me, I forgot most of that movie half an hour after I left the theater (I do remember the “polo” contest tho).
And animal food too. I’ll never forget Kevin Nealon’s quick ad for “Pussywhip.”
Rambo III was my last Rambo movie. He shows up at a camp of warriors who’ve been fighting battles since before Alexander the Great, but let a few Russian helicopters show up everybody panics but for RAMBO!!! Of course he shoots down all the copters by himself and saves the day.
This is an extremely cynical and unnecessary comm..... Oh, to hell with it, it’s cloudy here today, I think I’ll go outside and yell at some of them.
More importantly, Is it Elite?
Why not just short for “homey?” I mean, “home” could also be short for it, but also a bit weird to say out loud.