
I always had a sneaking suspicion that poker is a gateway sport.

Wayne Fetchzky?

Puppies Bergeron

Spaniel Sedin

Lindy Ruff

Jonathan Stoews

Ron Pug-nutt

Alex Ovfetchkin

Nicklas Barkstrom?

Ray Barque

Bark Messier

This makes sense. I was partially hoping there was a new drug out there that would allow you sweep/Swiffer faster/better so my wife would get off my case. Not my fault the cat sheds his weight in fur every 6 minutes.

According to his agent Mike Simon ... Derek “did not provoke the fight. He was trying to protect a friend. His recollection is that he was hit from the back with an object when he wasn’t looking.”

There are gamers who probably haven’t uttered a single word in MONTHS.

If you woke up after noon, nobody gives a fuck if you are confused.

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

why yes we do

The prodigal juggalette returns.

I know exactly which club you mean.

Byron Scott: “Do we want to talk about Miami at all?”