Not all of these takes are wrong. 1917 is gimmicky and hollow, The Irishman is Goodfellas filtered through Boomer ennui and although Marriage Story is great, it is hard to give a shit about another entitled people’s crumbling relationship.
Not all of these takes are wrong. 1917 is gimmicky and hollow, The Irishman is Goodfellas filtered through Boomer ennui and although Marriage Story is great, it is hard to give a shit about another entitled people’s crumbling relationship.
I’m cautiously optimistic for this, but almost every good review has seemed a little half-hearted. I’d like a little more than “It’s not as shitty as Suicide Squad.” I guess if Mary Elizabeth Winstead is great, that’ll be enough to warrant a ticket purchase.
I wish they’d ditch the accent for Harley, honestly. I’ve loved Kaley Cuoco’s take on the character and her not doing the accent has been a great move towards improving the character.
If by “news” you mean “an excuse to complain and be offended by nothing”, then yes.
The people that hated the Joker before it was even released and continue to double down on it now that it’s successful are just the flip-side of the people that hated Captain Marvel before it was even released and continue to double down on it once it was successful. They’re both annoying and petty and just because…
We’ve just sat through months of people claiming the Joker is inherently a character that appeals to white supremacists and incels. I mean, I don’t have a horse in this weird white people vs white people ideological battle, but it’s pretty disingenuous to shift the narrative after all the hand wringing.
We’ve also played this game before, too. You cast him as Joker, he puts on white face paint and then you get 1000 Tweets and think pieces about how the racists are once again covering up the face of a black actor. Some group(or more) is going to complain no matter what.
Well, shit. Now I have to block you to save face.
It did. You’re obviously saying this because I’m Chinese and you’re making fun of the Coronavirus affecting my people’s New Year celebration. You’re a gaslighting racist and I will start a hashtag campaign against you.
I think it was just Schwimmer trying to say that he has no fucking interest in a reunion show and stop asking him, but in a way that wouldn’t piss people off. He was wrong. It’s 2020 and everything that anyone says pisses people off.
“Nah, bro. The Pringles commercial is just operating on a genius level that is above your head. You just don’t get it.” - Average Rick & Morty Fan.
There is no one on the cornball show that can sing Tear Me Down at the level of John Cameron Mitchell and I don’t want to hear these young rapscallions try. Get CW off my lawn!
Well, I understand that I live in a country where Emmett Till happened so, unlike you, when the evidence is sketchy I’m not going to automatically side with the white woman over the black man because I think it will get me out of the friend zone.
Just checked in to see which asshole would run with this first. Should of known. It’s amazing how many guy with this sort of internet persona gets exposed as real life sexual predators. Wonder when recognitions will get exposed.
Britt has gone nuts. This is just a pecan to her mental state.
Cast Hayden Christensen and I’m in!
The creator is talking about it preemptively because he knows some asshole on Twitter is going to make a big deal about it, then ten other assholes on Twitter will follow suit and then thirty shitty websites will cut & paste those Tweets with a headline about the OUTRAGE! We all know how this works.
I really don’t get all of the awards for Laura Dern. She’s great but the role is small and she’s not doing anything all that spectacular compared to Scarlet Johansson who is the heart and soul of JoJo Rabbit and Jennifer Lopez who gives her best performance in years and is essentially the second lead.
Your trailer complaint on comedies is spot on. I try to avoid them if I can and judge whether I’ll see it in theaters or not based on who’s involved.
Yeah, I mean it’s crazy how other countries make their own movies with their own actors and they become super famous without consulting Americans about it first. Sorry buddy. I’ll ask my cousin in China to get word to the film industry over there to run the names past you first.