He does that a lot. He played three characters on Deadwood (if you count the “Like my Pa!” dude from the movie). He’s the best. He’s unquestionably the only reason I still watch Fear the Walking Dead, too.
He does that a lot. He played three characters on Deadwood (if you count the “Like my Pa!” dude from the movie). He’s the best. He’s unquestionably the only reason I still watch Fear the Walking Dead, too.
I wish we’d got Glenn Howerton rather than Chris Pratt as Quill. That would help settle this Chris nonsense.
Deadwood is simply one of those shows that had great alumni. So many of them were popping all over the FX network for a while
So, like—Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni must be big Deadwood fans, right?
Why do you even watch it? Also, oh my god shut up.
This whole “best/worst Chris” thing is even dumber than “is a hot dog a sandwich?”.
It’s been hammered home that by the start of the Galactic Civil War most people don’t know or believe the Jedi exist. I think it’s a combination of the Jedi not having very much presence in the day-to-day lives of most people prior to the Clone Wars and propaganda from the Empire that actively suppressed Jedi…
Okay, I laughed when General Bosch asked where the Mandalorians were “trapped.”
I suspect that spending even a short amount of time in a Sarlacc’s stomach isn’t very good for the skin.
I actually launched my art instagram today by talking about this very issue, because I’m a father and my oldest kid has a limb difference and his right hand actually has 3 fingers. This is what I wrote:
Wow, I can’t believe people hated the idea of paying to watch a one hour show in ten minute sections exclusively on their phone. Seemed like such a winner of an idea.
I hope once Trump and hopefully a lot of other asshole republicans get voted out of office we can get back to sane political and social awareness because this modern day McCarthyism is getting tiresome.
I’ve never liked her in anything until the Harley Quinn cartoon and now she’s become the only version of Harley that I like.
A movie that people under 30 don’t know exists and people over 30 generally don’t care about. We’re scraping the bottom of the nostalgia barrel now.
Rothe’s exit is one of the most repellent and nonsensical shock for shock’s sake moments that I’ve ever watched. It immediately destroys the character of Jessica Hyde and makes the idea that the rest of the characters would joing her and absolutely ridiculous one. I instantly stopped caring about watching the show and…
I’ll explain it away by saying who gives a shit about logical cannon on a kids show where the most appealing character is a muppet’s space baby that was created to sell merchandise.
Well, he’s mansplaining how white women put themselves at the front of every progressive movement and try to whitesplain it POC, so it comes out even.
You sound like a boomer talking about Gen X. You’re either that or an idiot.
I’m going to allow this one since it’s more soothing to think this is all the plot of evil alien overlords and not just a gibbering old moron and his cosplay nazi followers ruining the planet.