
This has to be someone going rogue and saying “Fuck this rich prick!”, right?

I’ve seen theories that it’s going to end up being Rachel Weisz. I don’t know that I care who it is while they’re wearing that doofy costume. They really had to work hard to screw that up.

Agreed. People were too worked up over slamming or defending the movie before they ever saw it and even now most people are too stubborn to back off of their stand even though we now know it’s a movie that was neither dangerous or groundbreaking. It’s just sort of a shrug.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Joke is probably the dumbest moment we’ve had in the culture war, so far. How so much importance has been placed on the movie or how it’s a hill either sides wants to die on is beyond me.

Us, The Lighthouse and Midsommar aren’t snubs. It’s par for the course for horror films. The Oscars will never consider it an award worthy genre.

Yeah, it really doesn’t do any good to make the voting pool younger and more diverse if it’s still going to be a bunch of people who don’t watch enough films.

No loss for me. Doctor Strange was one of my least favorite Marvel movies and seeing how much better Cumberbatch was in the role when the Russos and Waititi were using Strange, I’m fine with someone else taking this over.

I’m thoroughly convinced that Quibi is the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it. Burn the witch before it’s too late.

I’m absolutely amazed at how good the Harley show is. Its kind of ruined me on Margot Robbie as Harley, though. I just want to see Kaley Cuoco in the role now. I don’t think I can accept anyone but Lake Bell as Ivy now, either.

It’s a shame that Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler wasted so much of their careers doing mindless, lazy paycheck roles. Hopefully they’ll stay on the comeback trail with continued good choices.

I love the show and it is incredibly watchable and entertaining, but it is also has undeniably bad writing and ridiculously stupid.

FUCK YOU, I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! make sure to buy our new remastered old albums with one new bonus song remixed by Avicii. FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! pick up a t-shirt on the way out. we still sell the ones with che guevara, who we don’t really understand and pretend wasn’t racist. FUCK YOU I WON’T DO

Maybe they’ll do that trick again where they show up and just stand at the front of the stage with tape over their mouths in protest of THE MAN until their set is over. Such a protest to deprive some dumb teenagers of a show they were barely able to pay for while you’re getting rich off of your “message.” 

Also renewed for another season, the endless war in the middle east.

It’s been a bad day for Barsanti. He’s looking for an easy win to get the crowd back on his side.

Tell us in seven days.

Went on a movie bender. Saw Uncut Gems, which is no probably my favorite movie of the year. Saw Then Lighthouse, which absolutely cements the genius of Robert Eggers as genius horror storyteller. Saw Rise of Skywalker, which is a movie I saw this weekend. 

I know it’s the internet and there’s some dramatic people in here sometimes, but you read way too much into the comment. It was more blase kvetching than existential crisis.

I don’t mean that is some pearl clutching, “oh my God it must be toxic” kind of way. I just don’t have any previous connection to the material, so a loud cultish fan base is annoying when I don’t get the complaints and minutia talk. It doesn’t make me not watch something. It just makes me wonder if it’s going to be a

Oh....whoa....this fool isn’t wearing a Wakanda Black Panther shirt. He’s wearing a fuckin’ Huey Newton Black Panther shirt. Nah. You can’t do that. You