
My celebrity gossip route is Dirt Bag (where I’ll preview the urls, but rarely click on Bobby’s links), Lainey Gossip, and scanning Celebitchy, so there’s all sorts of names floating about here who I can’t place. I just thought it was funny, because I was reading your comment, totally with you, then, wait, somebody

How much of that view is informed by sexism? Like, they’re imagining the audience as guys with crushes on Greta Gerwig/Saoirse Ronan and ignoring the broader audience of women this will appeal to who’ve never heard of Greta Gerwig?


I see what you’re saying, but I’m choosing the optimistic take that the cops taking her seriously enough to investigate is progress. Maybe?

(You may argue that American movies are not necessarily polished or well-crafted, but I hope people get what I’m saying.)

I think that’s a potentially dangerous misread of the situation. If Spacey’s inappropriate behavior was limited to a single 30 year old allegation of drunken molestation of a 14 year old boy, we would not be seeing this response. The trick here is that everybody involved already knew damn well that Spacey routinely

She was my hero for marrying Timothy Hutton. They lasted 4 years. Much later she had a fabulous quote about their marriage which, sadly, I can’t locate or do justice to. He’s five years younger than her (26 to her 31), and the quote was essentially she married a nice young man expecting him to grow up, but he didn’t.

The Republican mayoral candidate’s statement had a whiff of “OJ will find the real killers!” to me.

At this point, I’m uncomfortable with any show that casts a lot of minors. I don’t trust Hollywood to do right by them, at all. Winona Ryder is supposed to push my nostalgia buttons, but all she does is make me think of Corey Haim in Lucas, and how he’d already been raped when that was filmed.

Marty Singer has been in that business for decades. He usually gets the stories killed before we hear about them.

Lapham’s Quarterly

My (safe) guess: it’s an appropriate reaction to being put on formal notice of your star’s on-set behavior which involves a lot of potential liability for the production company.

Civil defense attorneys express their creativity differently than entertainment types.

word on the grapevine is Andy Cohen is a super power top

Was that also an open secret?

Not cynical enough, Bobby. Spacey stayed in the closet because the prohibition against outing people gave him an extra layer of protection in terms of discouraging the targets of his predatory behavior from speaking out. Most of the “open secret” stories about Spacey involve adult males, many of whom were straight and

He’s had a long and distinguished career on Broadway, but I still always think of him as one of the dorks in Dazed and Confused.

Pacifying someone by indulging their irrational thinking is rarely the caring thing to do. You’re not a pariah. A person doesn’t have to be engaged in regular sexual relations to be interested in talking about sex. A person who is not interested in talking about sex should not take others’ interest in that discussion

May we share a giggle over this:

I assume they’re trying to find someone on staff impartial enough to do so, considering how many of them have made major life decisions informed by Taibbi’s NFL coverage.