
Netflix Original How It Ends. A bad dumb movie that manages to hit enough laughable notes that I didn’t hate myself for watching it. Would not rewatch, but I’d love to read the script as sold and through the revision process (including notes!).

You’ll never be as pretty as her, but you will get older, so maybe reconsider your snarky response to a generic assertion that women have something to offer beyond youthful beauty.

The second video is from the same restaurant (the outside seating) and it sounds like the exact same manager. That area (Country Club Plaza) is openly hostile to black highschoolers hanging out, so I expected much worse from that video. I don’t blame the woman for feeling targeted for her race, given the district’s

That’s very much a #metoo story and a painful illustration of how well-trained we are to normalize abuse.

The carpet matches the drapes dress.

I’m married to Medicaid and won’t let anything tear us apart.

Not really a counterpoint, given I was taking offense on Olive Garden’s behalf. Olive Garden isn’t “centrist” as much as it is accessible and reliable. If Congress were more like OG, we’d have universal access to health care and day care.

Olive Garden consistently delivers a higher quality product than Congress.

is about as useful an expression of opinion as commenting on a Kinja blog in the grays.

why are so many people just hanging out and waiting for it to get better when it clearly won’t?

Not the worst, but pretty bad. Forced feminization as punishment just reinforces the idea that women are lesser.

It’d be like only reporting on bisexual people who end up in opposite-sex relationships

I followed some writers into the “think of the children!!” weeds (re: trans kids) a few years ago. After awhile, I was struck by the similarity between people fussing over the details of conditions/treatments they themselves would never deal with and how people talk about late-term abortion. The average lay person

I said everything, not just the Senate. A bit of wishful thinking on my part.

Shut everything down until Trump nominates Merrick Garland.

I’d have to go reread/rewatch all the 90s material, but what really hit me at the time and what sticks in my memory today is that the sincerity of Brandon’s identifying as a man always shone through, no matter how cynical or ignorant the frame. Like, you didn’t have to know that trans is a thing, or get the pronouns

This criticism is... off. I suppose biology also could’ve driven home the point by making Brandon Teena AMAB. Trans men, by definition, are AFAB. The difference between a trans man and a “woman dressing up like a boy” is strictly interior to the individual. It’s not visible to the human eye. It’s oddly self-defeating

“I am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I am a woman and I am fast.”

An amusing article waiting to happen is the story of Kobach’s long-standing refusal to master basic rules of procedure. In the oughts, he made a regular practice of showing up to argue in courts where he wasn’t licensed and without filing pro hac vice. My favorite was the Platte County judge who refused to overlook

Everything about this is ugly. Thanks, Rich, for drawing our attention to this utterly marginal fucked up person who died violently/young and left a trail of damage behind him. There is no higher purpose than elevating his story to incite condemnation from the Jezebel commentariat.