
If you know the numbers are “staggeringly high,” and that you are far from alone, why does it bother you so much?

I’m not sure why people have such a hard time understanding why calling people “criminals” when they have committed no crime is bad and wrong. DONT DO IT. If you support a more sane immigration policy, stop calling undocumented immigrants criminals. Why are we still having to explain this to people?

Being in the US without the proper paperwork isn’t committing a crime to begin with, but even if it were — these parents came to this country so their child could get better medical care. Is this behavior something we need to punish the parents for? You’re stipulating over half of the “round em up” peoples’ argument.

Barbara wrote a book from her dog Millie’s perspective that featured Millie nipping at the staffer Bush was rumored to be in a long term relationship with.

Also, with the reduction of newsroom staffing, there aren’t a lot of reporters left who are strictly assigned to the legal beat, which leaves them at a disadvantage capturing nuance and procedural details. Aggregation just amplifies this effect. It’s not just you!

Because District Court is trial court (one judge). It gets appealed to a panel of three (unless appeals court decides to hear en banc).

True story about the MASH theme song as told to me, at 7 years old, on a cul-de-sac in Virginia, by a man who was a surgeon in Vietnam: It’s titled “Suicide is Painless,” war sucks.

He has a great deal of talent as a sexual predator. I’ve never understood why people think he has talent as a photographer. His pictures are ugly and generally give off a juvenile transgression vibe.

Do you realize that only 10% of the military is in combat arms?

I know, she should be busy SamCait shipping or something.

I assume there are people at Conde Nast who’ve been urging them to do this for a long time, Weinstein just gave them enough weight to finally win the argument.

Damon’s call to Waxman was about convincing her that the guy in Italy was actually doing his job, so he was arguably trying to “kill” the story in the sense that he was trying to convince her it was a non-story. From what the parties involved have said, I think it’s unfair to say that Damon was knowingly involved in

Also as a white dude when I think of whom I want to see get more power I never feel comfortable focusing on one such set of humans over another,

(maybe one that is more niche than I currently appreciate)

Folk music? Folk stories? That’s all, folks?

because I’m more inclined to socialism

Re the history of “liberal” generally, I feel like you may not have actually read the Corey Robin article?

I don’t hold on to the term “liberal” out of Romantic attachment. I hold onto it because I don’t believe it’s the label that makes the policies unpopular. I hold onto it because I know what’s the matter with Kansas, and it’s not that insufficient resources have been devoted to explaining that, actually, these more

Also: isn’t it a little odd to be resistant to the fact that neoliberalism has co-opted the term liberal, while being entirely cognizant of the fact that they also tried to co-opt “progressive.”

Children of Men is my favorite because I want the end of the world to be that green.