
That’s fair. I have strong leftist sympathies, I just think that in the US, there’s too much evidence that the system is very good at twisting seemingly race-neutral class-based policies towards racist ends to have much faith in a “lead with class” approach. I think most self-described liberals would be social

I’d like to forward a proposal to make public bathroom sex acceptable. Just set it up like dog parks. This is the designated area for taking your dick off the leash.

I’m not asking this to play the old lady card, but because I’m genuinely curious. Were you paying attention to the lefty blogosphere 2002-2008? Like, there was a conscious effort from the grassroots to push “progressive” as the new way to say “liberal,” because it seemed more palatable to outsiders. Obama took the

Stop trying to gaslight me into believing that “liberal” and “neoliberal” are the same thing. It’s not fucking true. Liberals have always been the minority in the Democratic Party. We don’t run things! People triangulate against us as the crazy-lefties! We’re widely considered unelectable outside of urban strongholds!

I understand what you’re saying, but Omarosa isn’t a Democrat. I wasn’t suggesting we just grab random black women and put them in charge, I’m talking about drawing from the bench of black women who’ve been actively trying to get the Dems to pull their shit together for a long time. Give them more power within the

Do you giggle every time they talk about penetration? I mean, I do, but I know it’s my dirty mind, not them poorly choosing their words.

You can’t seem to figure out that “voting against their interests” isn’t actually a thing.

Explication, please! I’m not sure what you think you’re demonstrating. I’m not challenging that neoliberalism is a thing that exists, I’m challenging that the substance of neoliberalism is what is associated with the term “liberal” in “modern political discourse.” It’s just not. At least not here in the US, which is

If you want to pick up the banner of socialism, then go ahead and call the liberals moderates. Otherwise, stop fucking kidding yourself.

I’ve lived through all those changes and at no fucking point have the neoliberals actually claimed the name “liberal.” People didn’t start calling themselves progressives to distinguish themselves from centrists (or Third Way, or New Democrat, or any of the other names centrists have adopted to say “we’re not like

Do you understand that we had an entire Progressive Era at the turn of the 19th century? That’s why I referenced Prohibition and technocrats (see the ‘Efficiency’ section of your wikipedia article). For a long ass time, people only used the term ‘Progressive’ to indicate the politics of that era. It was historical,

Remember when Clinton yanked Nina Turner from her scheduled convention speaker slot at the last second?

There’s simply no way you were politically aware during the last century if you don’t know how relatively recently the term “progressive” was adopted by people who previously used the term “liberal.” Their politics didn’t change at all, it was a very intentional rebranding exercise because the liberal brand is toxic

a voting bloc who tell the Democratic Party in no uncertain terms that they’ll always vote Democrat

Can we start a “Just Put Black Women in Charge” wing of the party?

Do you see how these two statements are contradictory?

white liberals, on the other hand, are probably done for the long term

The Democratic base is black women. The DNC desperately wishes their base consisted of suburban whites, which is why they spend so much time catering to that group.

I’ll never understand the eagerness and certainty with which people made that leap. We’ve got decades of whispers about HW and it’s never involved taking pictures, or requiring women to send him pictures. Like, abso-fucking-lutely never. It’s not even remotely his MO.

I intentionally included the “may” to reflect the reality that he’s doubting her recollection. Notice the wording also doesn’t acknowledge that he actually said those things. I wasn’t trying to craft the appropriate/ideal response, just the best way for him to be honest in his response without looking like a complete