
Sure, but that’s not the same thing.

A better way for him to express the same thing:

You’re forgetting the rape of the French boy, which was classic “rape to justify the hero’s vengeance.” And which the show runners decided to show in graphic flashback detail after we already knew it happened, because... reasons.

Gawker was reliably bad at distinguishing between “look at this guy doing gay things” and “look at this guy abusing his power to exploit men.” It was disturbing.

Yes. While I appreciate this article’s points about fighting sexist hiring practices, I’m also troubled by the erasure of the sexual exploitation of men (not just minors) in the industry.

Dude wears blue contacts and allegedly had plastic surgery to look more like Sinatra. Indulging his fantasy that Woody Allen isn’t his bio dad is like protecting a 30 something from the news that there is no Santa Claus.

I assume Hollywood is the reason the age of consent in CA is 18.

What a perfect tribute!

In a society that is more supportive of actual child-rearing than ours, I imagine the use of night nurses would be less stigmatized as well as subsidized by the government. Babies are exhausting. No shame in needing help. No shame in hiring a professional for that help.

If you were cool, your shorts would’ve been cut-offs of pants purchased at an army surplus store.

I think it’s most likely that CAA’s general disinterest in working with her made it easy for them to make an example of her. It wasn’t about her merits as much as scaring the shit out of all the other actresses.

When I see a Star of David necklace on someone, I think “that person is Jewish,” not “that person supports an apartheid state.” So I agree with you that it’s not reasonable to interpret the symbol on a rainbow flag as Zionist. But I don’t think DrDonna is being anti-semitic, I think she’s extending the same courtesy

I’m not placing any trust in NEBE’s intentions or tactics, but I pulled his initial comment out of the greys because it is true. And rather relevant to the “this was always going to hurt” theme. It would be easier if white people were the ones missing out on their first choice college due to proportional


I watch that video all the time.

As a legit mentally ill person who spent 30 minutes in a meeting this week with two women (who get paid to help me) actively trying to trigger me into making a scene, I have an incredibly strong need to say — this is something people with power do to those who have less! Women can be just as brutal wielding this sword

I am here for you.

My concern for the Quinto/McMillan relationship is determined by how well Miles’ hair is styled that day. The boy does some horrifying things with those curls. I like his hair in the Instagram pic, so I approve of this news.

I think the problem you’re having is conceiving of sexual violence as inherently gendered.

I’d say to my closeted younger self that who you are as a person is strong enough to survive all the changes,