
Gisele isn’t dead. She was spirited off the runway by monks who took her back to the monastery and slowly nurtured her back to health. They never showed her body! #IWantToBelieve

I call them “Mom.”

Spacey allegedly has a habit of hitting on the young men at work, mostly crew here in the States, but apparently had a system for sorting the young actors he favored when he was in charge at The Old Vic. He’s an open and notorious sexual harasser in a work environment and everybody just tries to work around it instead

Yeah, I think Singer’s a creep but he seems like a “keep it legal” creep. And although there are plenty of rumors about him bestowing favors in exchange for sex, I’ve never really heard about him pressuring or punishing people. I don’t get the sense that he gets off on being abusive or coercing guys into things,

The Coreys are only six years younger than Singer, he was still in school back in New Jersey when Haim was raped. Additionally, by the time Singer was successful enough to start his “parties full of twinks” stage both Coreys were too old to be invited to those parties as twinks and too comically out of fashion to be

I think she’s saying “horrible rich men, I will stand up for you when things are rough so please continue to protect me.” The fact that she calls out Chapman makes that crystal clear.

It’s funny, it took me a minute to figure out how you misinterpreted me. I wasn’t objecting to him offering feedback when solicited. I was laughing at the notion that he’d find her scrawny ass “great.”

Non-book person here and based on your description of book Frank, it’s pretty easy to see why these changes were made — it makes for a better story. They didn’t try to make Frank tragic, they just made him a decent guy trying to do right by the woman he loved. It adds nuance and multidimensional sadness to the story.

His Bond theme was SO BAD. I have no idea how he won an Oscar for it.

I don’t think we saw his boner in that. (I was looking. On the big screen. I recall a flaccid flop?)

I hate it when they throw in romantic subplots. Like, you’re supposed to be saving the world. Spare me the fucking and get some sleep.

I don’t care for the genre, but I LOVE the way Kelly writes about it. The Times should’ve hired her to do the piece.

The only time I’ve read The Root and thought OMG I MUST SPEAK was when they were vigorously trashing okra in the comments but I kept scrolling and one of the writers showed up and offered a spirited defense of okra so I left the thread unmolested.

I have imagined, to the point of imagining starting a crowdfunding campaign to support pro bono services. It would be real and spectacular.

I’m laughing at him for thinking that hiring Gawker Slayer Charles Harder would be an effective intimidation technique. That guy got ridiculously lucky on the front-end with a billionaire funding litigation long after it was economically irrational to continue and again on the back-end with a grossly incompetent and

I guess I’d have more sympathy for the covering argument if you hadn’t spent most of your review of Paris 05:59: Theo & Hugo trashing the movie that starts with an explicit 16 minute gay orgy scene because it didn’t act as a Truvada commercial.

I’m going through vocational rehab because disability has vastly altered my employment prospects. My employment specialist is a Trump supporter. She’s fucking horrible. She’s irritated that her normal tricks have failed to secure me employment and has decided that this must be my fault. So she’s trying to bully me out

Do you know why a new term hasn’t been adopted by monosexuals to signal their openness to sexual/romantic relations with people whose sex doesn’t match their gender in the expected way? I’m straight, but I think the pressure on bisexuals to identify as pan to signal trans inclusiveness is a bit much. Nobody’s putting

That’s sad and gross. Even if you could afford it, there’s nothing wrong with deciding against IVF. It’s ok to take your body’s “no” for an answer, you shouldn’t have to take extraordinary measures before you’re allowed to be frustrated and/or grieve.