
They don't have to be old. But it *is* getting better with younger generations.

I get this situation completely. I wasn't abused, but my biological parents were addicts and self-centered in that special way that comes from *them* being horribly abused and them trying to figure it all out enough to not hit/yell at/rape me. I'm eternally thankful for them getting their shit together enough not to

What a bunch of whiners (Levis). They immediately discontinued the one style I bought and loved a couple of years ago, which they offered in a tall inseam, and which I would have bought two more pairs of, had they been available.

I'm a pretty bad cynic about VDay, but these are adorbs. Still, my valentine and I booked it away from the Strip as soon as our shifts ended, haha.

I haven't actually seen a Fitbit, and the "real" athletes I know are at a level most humans will never achieve. But you mentioned eating buckets of Tres Leches cake and if that is NOT your thing (at least as a fantasy), I worry about your priorities.

I can personally vouch for the sanctity of the rider. Especially food. Often the catered meal is the only one you get that's not whatever is in between points A and B that takes less than 30 minutes. I'm no road dog, but I did a couple of 3-month jumps with a company, and living on a bus effin sucks. When you look

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks the Cool Pope alert pic is his best Buddy Christ. You know he's winking on the inside.

Related: maybe doulas aren't sponsored by insurance companies, but natural childbirth advocates within hospitals apparently are. I present to you "proof" of this, in blog form:…

You know what that made me think of? The mom in the original "Carrie" film calling Carrie's boobs "dirty pillows."

So... I haven't read the book (sounds like a good choice from the comments), but... What's the wine tie-in? Please don't tell me the dude character uses wine to "seduce" (read: rape) her? Because a wine promo for that would be kind of messed up?

They are also new agey old-man assholes who use it as an excuse to hit on young women. See: "To be perfectly and radically honest, I feel attracted to you right now".

This comment needs more stars. Your story is actually unbelievable. I know Decatur and Huntsville and yeh, that's not a bad drive, UNLESS THE HIGHWAY IS PRETTY MUCH IMPASSIBLE.

I did this, all of the above. But in my early twenties (late bloomer high-heel-wise). They really were quite comfortable, due mostly to the ankle support.

There's no "Shit I Do Quietly That Proves I'm Respected and Capable But Can't Really Back Up" section.

This. A thousand times this. I know he softballed a few things, and I wanted him to dig deeper. He's maintained it isn't HIS responsibility; that he was only doing a smidgen of what our ACTUAL JOURNALISTS SHOULD BE DOING ALL THE DAMN TIME. And he's right. But damn, if I don't trust his reports more than anyone on the

Now THAT guy should be up for a lifetime achievement award. He challenged his viewers to look closer, even if only for 23 minutes. He influenced great swaths of multiple generations by dissecting and dismantling everyone in the media, not even sparing himself when he knew he'd missed something important.

The older she gets, the less fucks she gives. I want to cook her dinner and listen to her talk.

Stars for having the same terrible ideas as I did in my twenties. Thank goodness we survived.

"caused lots of people lots of problems, including death."

Uhm. I consider myself a little crunchy, but I thought those "detox" "supplements" were just supposed to help stoners pass drug tests?