Forms of hockey, ranked:
Forms of hockey, ranked:
Can one ever do too much Trudeau?
*Plate tectonics, yo
Komatsu was tipped off to the situation when Suzuki asked, without irony, “canoe drink this for me real quick?”
Pats on the back for what you did there.
Star Wars isn’t a super hero. Fight me, you anthropomorphic Q-tip
Maybe that corniness is why so many Iowa linemen go early in the draft
Peyton Manning’s first possession safety begs otherwise
It’s a wonder you’re not able to curry more favor with the commenters given the stone cold referencing going on here
I still get a kick out of the people from a town named after Christopher Columbus getting pissy over someone from somewhere else planting a flag on their home turf
As we wait for this story to come out, go check out the story WaPo just dropped on Roy Moore
Because someone stole their crab legs!
As my Buffalofer wife puts it: “The Bills are giving me cautious optimism, so they’re just going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at any moment”
I kinda need a Kluwe take on this NYT thought piece:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
That is not where a knee cap lives. Go home knee cap, you’re drunk
Your regional bias is ridiculous and has no place in these high brow, highly scientific surveys. If I told you Pizza Ranch was better than Hungry Howies, Jet’s, AND Marco’s (places I’ve never even heard of), you’d be all like “I haven’t heard of those”
He makes the same face my 4 month old makes when our cat walks by and crop dusts him
And wearing his cotton jersey, no less
I’m not going to make an argument for or against this price hike. But to your point, the $70 (or whatever the current admission prices are) not only gets you in, it also gets you in for a week
How in the hell does a Navy guy not know that answer to that question