Is Brad doing that thing where he wears the same outfit to screw with the paps? It feels like multiple celebs have mentioned doing it.
Is Brad doing that thing where he wears the same outfit to screw with the paps? It feels like multiple celebs have mentioned doing it.
“I won’t date anyone under 5'10" - completely acceptable
Guy who doesn’t wear tights here, I almost always have a towel, and tucking it in the front of shorts is the easiest way of having it there if I need it, and keeping it out of the way. You’re spot on.
“No one cares about goal differential”
Can someone honestly explain to me how this isn’t the literal definition of tampering?
This isn’t actually the case. Business relationships are built on both sides feeling like they’ve gotten a fair deal. The best agents are getting what they can get for their clients while keeping the business relationship solid so that other opportunities are available later on.
If people actually understood how to use a highway (i.e. slower traffic staying to the right) these issues all iron themselves out. I’m routinely amazed at how bad Americans are at drivin their own car and not worrying about what others are doing. It works everywhere else in the world, but here? Here you have people…
#COTD...pack it up folks, we’re done today.
When people start leaving their cars on the sidewalk, people’s yards, and tossing them into the canal when they’re done, this take will make sense. Until then, it’s just silly.
I didn’t now they were shipping covers until right now. I don’t think I’ve seen one locally without them on there, I just assumed it was an option, or denoted a particular model or something. This is hysterical.
Yeah, if that’s my kid that camera is getting broken. I’m not going to suggest violence against people, but breaking shit? That’s another thing entirely.
Exactly. This goes beyond Twitch’s TOS, this is literally against the law, and he published the evidence.
If filming people using a public restroom isn’t enough to ban someone, what the heck is?
Now, now...let the bitter people complain on the’s all they have left.
Listen, I played the crap out of BOTW, and I loved BOTW. But the fact that $50 is a good deal on this game after this long is a joke.
Listen, I played the crap out of BOTW, and I loved BOTW. But the fact that $50 is a good deal on this game after…
“The point of mma is not injury.”
I’m definitely not a boomer, and kind of like the analogy. Making assumptions about what generation someone is, and assuming that its a negative doesn’t actually change the discussion, regardless of whether it makes you feel superior.
I read that and now my eye is twitching. It’s completely unacceptable. a long straight road is more dangerous than one with curves or intersections that need navigating? I would actually think the highway would be the safest place to drive this thing.
I’ll throw in that if “I’m already going over the speed limit, so I’m going to stay in the left lane, and you can go around” has ever been your thoughts process, you should just stay in the right lane. Forever.