
Clearly some of his comments are super dismissive, and the “Lee” comment is troubling, but saying “A korean will win” is sort of like saying an Ethiopian is going to win the Boston marathon, isn’t it? I’m not seeing the outrage there.

15 minutes of box lunch, in a public restroom.  While I haven’t met every woman on the planet, I can guess that the list of ladies who want that is fairly short?  

It’s absolutely fascinating how these guys are 100%, bet the house, the cat, and the 89 Chevy Camaro sure that it’s the physical part that’s wrong with them, and that there’s no way it’s the way they act that keeps them from getting laid. (layed? I know it’s not lei’d, whichoneisit!!?!?)

I worked as a waiter at a country club when I was a wee lad, and saw this way more times than you’d ever expect.  I can also confirm that the people who did it were sociopaths.  

Exactly.  This is Sarah Connor getting mad at the terminators and gunning down a schoolyard full of kids to prove that point.  There’s no real connection at all, and it was completely out of character in the moment.  

These small minded people have always existed, but the internet has allowed them to find other slike them, and created echo chambers that prove they’re right.  It’s amazing how many truly terrible human beings we have roaming around.  

I seriously doubt this thing gets driven much on the road.  It’s a showy thing to cruise around in.  No more dangerous than a mustang at cars and coffee.  

Is it weird that I actually like think this looks better than with stock wheels?

This is actually a great analogy.

Watching this live, I assumed that the ball had hit something, and that Grichuk was confused on the rule.  After review, it’s just bizarre that he didn’t hustle to the ball by the wall.  

Wile I’m glad this guy fought off the addiction and negative consequences of getting sucked into the game, the idea that learning how to use spreadsheets to manage a video game,and building relationships within the gaming community equates to an MBA education is just silly.

Yeah, the email of the week is either just another made up story, or a complete mouth-breathing, window licking moron.

I think the most important thing to do as an adult who smokes/vapes/eats weed is to avoid smelling like a 17 year old kid hotboxing a toyota corolla.  I’ll never judge someone for using weed in whatever way they choose, but if you show up for work in a jacket that just reeks, you’re an idiot.  

Here’s some helpful fodder for the fantasy. A close friend that works for the Jays let me know that his people that work for the Raptors really seem to think that Toronto has become a home for Leonard, and that he genuinely likes playing there, and enjoys being the man in a way he won’t be if he goes to LA. I could

Such a true statement.  Cubs”fans” wanted another reason to be angry, and to embrace the loveable loser role.  It’s a safe space for them, nothing to lose, so it was an easy thing to destroy the guys life rather than use a little common sense.  

In all seriousness, is it time for the NBA to look at the interactions between agents and teams, and put some hard restrictions and harsh penalties in place?  I’m all for player empowerment, and don’t necessarily have big issues with trade demands and such but the nonsense that we’re finding out about between agents

With LeBron producing, writing and directing, I’m pretty sure he’s going to play himself. You really should see his script for the final act, where the Lakers win their 7th consecutive title right after LeBron saves Adam Silver from being stabbed by Kevin Love, it’s pure poetry.

While I agree with everyone on the upside of this move, there’s a value in playing domestically from a sponsor standpoint. Playing in a Top tier school like Duke, Kansas, etc increases the exposure, and potentially increases the endorsement deals after his year in college.

Meh...Call me when its a straight steal of home, a la Kevin pillar for the Jays.

That hair, that glorious hair. I eagerly await the coming of the Flow.