
“We won’t see something like this in my lifetime again.”

It most certainly isn’t.  It’s disrespectful and super shitty.  Don’t parade a picture of a dead guy for clicks.  

As a Jays fan, it’s so much fun to watch Vlad have some success. You could see things starting to get heavy for him when it wasn’t working when he came up this year.

I was in the “CP by a whisker” space before I read this comment, but you actually make a great point.  For $25k, you could have a really cool finished project.  

I feel like if you’re looking for something like this, it’s a good price, and looks genuinely good (heck, great as kit cars go). But while it’s the right price, that price buys too many other things that I’d rather have, a bunch of them with a warranty.

I know I shouldn’t...but I kind of want to touch it.  

I realize it’s a pain in the butt to do it every time, but are you reporting these to the FCC?  

I read this as Stock cars, a la Nascar, and immediately got confused as to why they’d be on the road in Ireland.

Combining that with their ownership being terrible, awful human beings who do terrible, awful things, and it’s tough to understand the slant of this article at all. 

It’s stuff like this that just underscores how much different things would be with a wrestling union.

I’ve felt like this for a couple years. Given how weird and screwed up things are, I keep expecting a grownup to walk in and start yelling at us to behave and clean stuff up.

Or just idiots.  Of all the things to be blindly loyal to, a video game launcher/store seems like a really weird thing to get pissy about.

Man, I get it, you really like Steam.  But this comment makes you look like some idiotic fanboi who went straight to the comments and didn’t bother reading the article.  

Exactly. To them, Murder is worse than rape (because women are essentially well-read cattle), so it’s only logical that this bill needs to be passed.

Everyone fighting all over the place in Westeros, the camera slowly pans out, and then zooms in on ol’ Torbie and Brienne, sitting in Adirondack chairs north of the wall, while Bran sits in the background like an end table with a Beatles hair cut.

It’s not just sit-down restaurants either...I spent a good chunk of my youth working at KFC, and the busiest day of the year BY FAR, was mother’s day.

This is the second study to be released this year that is using the “perceived as less human” descriptor, and it’s the second study where that seems to be a problematic statement. (The other was an Aussie study on bicycle riders being perceived as less human, using a 5 point scale where 5 was human)

Agreed...this is one of those “NP in perpetuity” cars, where it’s going to get sold 5 more times at 2500-2800, and each time the buyer is going to feel okay about it.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. Was his accepting the apology and moving on inappropriate?

Yeah, just ignore the president and leave him to whatever he wants to do!