
Can we please stop referring to these idiots as “influencers”, and just start calling them attention whores?  The more we legitimize this sort of behavior, the more normal it becomes.

Ooh, I like this.  My wife and I have always referred to them as “the bubble people”, who don’t realize that anyone outside their immediate 15 foot radius exists.  

Well said. I work at a university that includes a mandatory session during orientation on healthy relationships, boundaries, and inappropriate conduct.  This stuff needs to be taught in 9th grade, not in college.

“Here I am, a 100,000+ subscriber channel. Why would I put any of this at risk over that?” he said.”

I’m fascinated, and completely unsurprised that gamers don’t want everyone to be able to play. Letting everyone enjoy games the way they want to seems to be a dog whistle to the asshole gamers who want gaming, regardless of platform, to be an exclusive club that only allows entry when you “get gud”.

Protip:  then don’t play easy mode.  If you want the experience as it is, that’s awesome.  Easy mode isn’t going to become the default mode, and it allows others to enjoy the game just as much as you do.  Where’s the bad in that?

Let me ask an honest question: Why do you want gaming to be an exclusive club that only the people that you deem good enough can be part of?

I for one am Shocked!  Shocked to my very core that a non-NFL league didn’t succeed. 

The problem I have with this concept and execution is that the handles are still there.  Making them flush didn’t make them disappear, it just made it a bigger hassle to use them.  It’s certainly novel, and unique, but it really offers no value.  

I’mm with you, I’ve always liked these weird, misbegotten lumps, and this one actually helps the conversation about them. If there were ever an exmaple that I’d pay more than normal money for, this is probably that car. Mileage is great, car looks great, and I kind of like the color scheme.

I like this new Kristen/FancyKristen hybrid...behold...FeistyKristen.

Second, fuck Will Cain again. There is nothing more disappointing than driving around and throwing ESPN radio on and expecting Spain and Fitz (a genuinely good pairing, and a great listen) and instead realizing that it’s still Will Cain.  He’s just awful.  Unoriginal, contrived, and deliberately contrarian so that

Dammit, this isn’t what equality is supposed to look like.  

I love this tactic, but I fear that the idiots who would really benefit from stopping and thinking about the garbage ways they treat other human beings are the people who will ignore the concept, and instead bitch and moan about it.  

I wonder if there isn’t something damning that he’s saying in the moment. Is it that tough to imagine the owner of a sports franchise in Boston maybe saying some super inappropriate racist thing at the moment of culmination?  (BTW, I’m rooting for this sort of thing.  Something the NFL owners would be like “dude!  you

The sunshine law is there so that we can see what the government we pay for is doing, and because (more importantly in my book), the government knows that the public may see this stuff at some point, so in theory they work harder to “do it right”, because it may be public at some point.

The idea of a melee concept siren is suuuuper interesting.  Looks like a badass way to go.  

I feel like Keanu is just sort of living his life as if all the fame and fortune is just sort of happening to him, and he’s just enjoying the ride.  Seems like a genuinely good human being.  

I realize that I shouldn’t always focus on stuff like this, but this car turns 30 soon. $35k for a car that old had better be original, fairly rare, and low mileage.

Is there a category for a best comment of the year type of thing round here?  Cuz we’re done.