
Did he somehow help them with the Geragos case?  

Considering they gave up a chance to prosecute two black dudes to instead prosecute 1 black dude, the math doesn’t make sense.  

Seriously...who throws a shoe?

This is what the Internet is for.  How the hell did I not know this existed?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard an interviewer come right out and ask a guy if he slept with someone, male or female.  Not in the way that he’s asking Geri.  

I’m not sure what your point is, other than that parents pressure their kids into college decisions?

Over the years, I’ve had parents ask me if donating to the school would give their kid a better chance of acceptance (and one mother who asked “what’s the number”), and I’ve had students that I’ve built relationships come out and ask in their sophomore or junior year “did my parents get me in, or did I get in on my

I’m not anti-combat sports, I grew up watching boxing, and while I’m not a rabid UFC fan, I enjoy some of the fights.

This is the tennis version of bunting away from the shift, and both should get used a lot more.

The Celtics are terrible, the Thunder are terrible, Golden State is terrible...can we start talking about shortening the regular season?  Because the second half of this one has been just asstastic.  

Ah, good ol’ Al. He’d slap it through you if it made sense do so, but god forbid you were in position to defend that, because he’d hit the ol’ knuckler tumbling along the ice and it would make you look even worse.  

Pretty sure that’s a Mustang.

Having met a lot of great kids that didn’t deserve the nonsense their parents brought on them, I feel its important to not drag the kids into stuff like this.  

“This might sound terrible”

I get the update at the end of the article, but it still clearly says “at a meeting” in the first line. #corrections

Of course she could have. USC admits right around 16-17% of applicants. The point I think you’re missing is that in any given year, 50% of the applications that a college gets might be admittable student who would fit the college, and have a lot of success.

How does one pretend to be instagram famous? 

Can we also discuss how awkward this whole line of questioning is?  Can you imagine if a TV host was grilling some guy about banging a co-star?  

Man oh man, I love this article because it waves the “come and defend your EVs” flag loud and proud, causing the real first responders to show up to defend their precious, precious batteries.

I guess the short answer would be to read the article, and appreciate the differences when there’s a fire?