
Given that they think the Livewire should go to market costing out to almost $30k, how much do they think these should sell for, $10k?

“Tip. ($10/day, per person who stayed) If your stay is multiple days, tip every day you expect cleaning service. Seriously.”

This is a solid bout of whataboutism, that ignores the very real issue that folks in combat sports can tend to be aggressive/violent.  

This, 100 times this. The thing about old people is that they’re well organized, and lawmakers are terrified of the power they have.  

As an old, I’m amazed at how many people believed he was innocent. Even in real time, MJ’s life was full of issues that just made believing that he had done no wrong darn near impossible.

He seems like a great guy that was cursed with an impossible name to live up to. I get that the name/family got him into the business, but I can’t help but think that pressure had to be incredibly difficult to carry around.

In all honesty, the elevator thing wasn’t as bad as being involved in killing people.

This right here. There’s no way thy don’t want a do-over on the Hunt situation.

It’s such a referendum on how bad things are right now that it makes more logical sense to hope for a heart attack than congress to do its job.  

“your Honor, look at him. Should we have risked it happening again with this one? Would you? Jesus, he comes home sometimes, and it’s just...(sobbing)...we decided to do whatever it takes to get her into a good college”

I feel like this fan should have known that the handshake was a trap.  

Yup, that’s the part that’s really easy to run through the courts, and it’s usually the part that people don’t pay attention to when they’re trying to pull stuff off.  The penalties for false charities and tax fraud can get awfully nasty. 

Exactly, and that’s why this is news. It’s not the actions necessarily, it’s the money that moved around without being accounted for. If they end up in jail/getting fined, it’ll be for false tax records and such because those laws are much simpler to enforce. (see also: Al Capone)

Interestingly, the charges were for falsifying business records and criminal impersonation. So they weren’t in trouble for cheating on their SAT’s, they were in trouble because they paid someone else to impersonate them in a business relationship.  It always amazes me at what the charges are in these cases.  

If you really break it down, it’s more complicated than most people realize. The SAT/ACT isn’t a federal/government administered test, and the scores from the private companies that give the tests aren’t some sort of protected document. They’re literally just a piece of paper. There’s nothing illegal about forging

Agreed...the administrators that allowed this to happen, and the others that made it happen are the real assholes here. Parents do dumb things for their kids, that’s a given, but at least there’s a reason behind it.

Huh?  UG programs are rarely cash cows, as they have the highest level of expenses attached to them.  Non-scholarship grad school degrees are far more profitable for most colleges.  

Admissions and course completion are different things, although it wouldn’t be completely unheard of for the college to refuse to provide the student with transcripts, which would make the classes untransferrable.

Exercise makes you happy, and happy people don’t kill people.

35 million guaranteed minus the 14 million he gave away by not playing last year, and going from the Steelers to the Jets.  Yikes.