
It’s almost like a room full of middle-aged white folks setting up filters to protect the children from things like DIK, POO and ASS weren’t that worried about potential slurs.  Weird. 

Whenever he comments on stuff like this, he sounds like a first-year econ major who just took their first class in the subject.

While I usually opt for fact-checking and intellectual debate, I am increasingly drawn to this sort of response to Trump’s base.  Fuck ‘em.

If I had just parachuted in from the moon, and looked these guys (especially the FOAK people) up on the ol’ internet machine, I would assume they were all LARP people who had starring roles in the tabletop gaming club at Notre Dame.

“If true, his actions are nothing the Redskins would condone”.

True story, their store brands are so good because they make exclusive deals to rebrand existing company’s products as their own. It’s brilliant. Rather than sourcing a company that will make a product for them, they basically just become the sole distribution point for a brand. Great deal for the company selling

I work right up the street from the Dino location in Rochester, and smelling it on the way home has led to more “Hey honey, I picked up bbq on the way home” texts than should legally be allowed. It’s not even great bbq, but it smells soooo good.

Man, Ford is doing some weird things to the taillights on the Transit connect.  

I get that we’re all allowed to mod cars the way we want, but this one just seems...well...dumb. I get it, adding a manual to everything makes it better (hell, I drive a 6 speed buick, and they haven’t made an interesting car in decades), but adding a manual for the sake of doing it, to a car that doesn’t benefit from

There’s an ironic level of pride and self importance involved in anyone who decides to go someplace and tell people which invisible sky figure to pray to.  

Strange headline. It makes it sound like the fight is ongoing, and didn’t already happen. Well written article, but a really weird title.

I’m worried that little magic trick will work with other fruits and vegetables, which is why I don’t eat pineapple.

Dude, did you just go full “I have money” on the Internet?  Bold strategy, Cotton.  

It’s popular with the youngs, and always seems idiotic.  

You meet the nicest people while cleaning a Honda?

“The thing is, those new jobs? We don’t need them. Fucking BUFFALO could use those new jobs.”

Both of the jerseys with Miami on the front look like something that you’d buy at a cheap touristy souvenir store.

Amen. I love Dave’s wrestling writing, but this just doesn’t work for me.

Actual question on something I don’t understand...If he doesn’t play at all this year, how does the year still count toward his contract? I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that he had to report by a certain date to have his service count toward free agency, or contract fulfillment or something.

Oh come on Albert, you know better than to discuss professional sports labor like it’s normal labor..right?  It’s okay to be pro mcdonalds/walmart working wage standards and not apply the same principles to contracts in the 25 million dollar annual range.