
Spain would clearly win this game.  

I’m not sure which possibility scares me more, that they’re racists assholes, or that they’re so stupid that they couldn’t see how wrong it was.

It really has become the ultimate hostage taking action.  “I’ll record you, and then edit things to make it look like you’re an awful person online”.  

Yeah, I’m a white dude, and I wouldn’t be surprised to have the cops called on me in the same situation there. I’m not saying that race may not have caused this,I’;m merely pointing out how shitty that the employees are there.  My department has a policy of not flying through that airport even if it costs more,

Well, sucking usually leads to fucking, and Buffalo is awfully good at sucking.  

Fuck these guys, and more power to the Red Sox for not offering up some shit in return.

I’ll give Cuban a ton of credit for agreeing to this interview.

If there’s one thing I don’t ever need again it’s an AC adapter for a USB cable. Is there a household that doesn’t already have a junk drawer full of those things?

Wait...were traveler’s checks just analog Paypal?

This guy isn’t fooling me one bit. CP for this mercury Capri that’s been rebadged as a Lotus.

Or an idiot.  Any time I read an email where the person wrote exactly as they would have spoken, it sounds dumber.  Write like an adult, it’s not that hard.  

By that logic, movies should be $40 a ticket, because the cost to make them has gone up and the cost to go see them has pretty much been immune to inflation.

You know, if people don’t buy special editions, or pre-order games, they’ll stop this shit.  Ya’ll are at fault here.  

This is absolutely the answer.  GM sold so goddamn many of them, and when the customers drove them off the lot they lost resale value and dignity.  

So they want health insurance and a salary from an employer they no longer work for.  If only there was a way for a group of people who work someplace could discuss this sort of thing with their employer.  

So you’re okay with people just opting to steal stuff?  Interesting take.  

Oh, I love (and love to hate) the FF movies, but let’s not pretend the guy was some great actor that wasn’t realized by a lot of people when he was alive.  He’s the perfect cheesy actor for the FF movies, and makes them great (and terrible).  

Cleary this is a NP all day. I mean where can you find a 230+ hp V6 sedan for under $16,000?

I’ll give you Varsity Blues, but The skulls and 8 below aren’t exactly super popular movies that everyone has seen, are they?  Is that the case you’re trying to make?  

Yeah, it’s not necessarily just this stuff, but they’re one of many reasons why I don’t watch much anymore. The product on the field is pretty terrible, and has been for a few seasons now.