not ted danson

Season 1 Donna was great. Season 2 Donna was kind of a mess. And LFB didn't do herself any favors when, while dating Kyle MacLachlan that first season, insisted that he kill the writers' idea of Agent Cooper and Audrey Horne getting together. She's hated by a lot of Twin Peaks fans, and certain Twin Peaks cast

Alicia Witt is in the S3 cast list.

Did anyone actually not know this?

He'll have Trump sue him.

Hey, Feldman, Hooked On Classics called, and you can keep their drum beat.

The first song i thought of when i read this inventory's subject was Peter Gabriel's Come Talk To Me. I can still remember listening to Us for the first time in the Best Buy parking lot back in '92, and the bag pipes blaring from my cheap car stereo speakers. Still consider Us his best vocal album, and listen to it

I've heard that cel phone ring in a bunch of commercial songs. I think it's put in there purposefully to get your attention.

Haha got it.

What confused you? There's really nothing at all about those two movies, including the titles, that is remotely similar.

I've enjoyed it the couple of times i've seen it, but i don't think about it too much, and i've never read the book(s). It's weird, it looks cool, and it's Lynch.

I look at finding Blade Runner dull, or worse, boring (a word i use when i want to make fun of something that's dull), as a personality flaw.

I'm with Prince on this one. Why shouldn't he control how his music is distributed, and how he gets paid for it. Just because *the people* want music for free, or ultra-cheaply, doesn't mean that they should get it. And music streaming services raking in the money while artists get a pittance is actually worse now

Yeah i know it was videotape. But even back in the era of videotape, it was usually people "not in the know", or "way out of the know" really, who called recording to tape 'filming' (and it kind of drove me crazy). People like my aunts and uncles who didn't know how to set the time on their VCRs. Back then, before

So i guess 'filming' just means 'recording' now, and not specifically recording to *film* anymore?

One of the best. Love his work with Elvis Costello.

Castlevania music is almost always awesome, and the Metroid Prime music is brilliant. I really loved the music in Wave Race: Blue Storm— fast paced and exciting without resorting too much to straight up techno, and lots of guitar.

I prefer Powaqqatsi.

Karl Rove just could… not… believe it!

It's about ethics in film journalism.

And black people do not look fondly back on the 50s as some sort of American utopia.