not ted danson

Haha yeah people really had to look hard to 'cherry pick' the MOST OBVIOUS THING ABOUT THE PHOTO. Poor trump! The victim complex of conservatives knows no bounds.

The only thing that would make this photo acceptable would be if each and every one of those HBCU leaders were flipping off trump.

Thanks Obama!

But did he actually do what he's been accused of doing?

This is dumb.

Has anyone said "i have a bad feeling about this" yet?

Shhh… better keep quit… saying things like that in these parts will get us BOTH killed!

That's funny, Gillian Jacobs was the only one who seemed the least bit appealing on a show that rubbed me the wrong way each and every time i tried to watch it.

Brooklyn 99 looks right up my comedy alley, it has a great cast, and friends tell me it's hilarious, but it has Andy Samburg in it, therefore i have never even watched one second of it.

Man, as a guy who's been watching Maher since Politically Incorrect's early days, these last couple of years have been ROUGH.

Fallon is a shameless hack.

This is dumb.


Well, at least i've heard of the Congessional Medal of Honor .

It is truly gross that all those people are actually in the White House.

Mika's abusive husband goes whichever way the political winds are blowing. His 'going after trump' is just an act. He'll kiss his ass in some interview in the future, guaranteed.

That makes zero sense. 'American' politics affects every single country in the world. As do most countries' politics. I seem to recall the media here in America making quite a big deal out of the Brexit vote.

Trump's team does this constantly— "why are we talking about these lies, when we could be talking about all the times he told the truth?!"

Send Maria Shriver that SNL penis sketch, stat!

I think this guy was in my class in junior high.