not ted danson

Movie 3D does not work in the same way as human vision 3D. Closing one eye is not the same as watching a regular 2D movie, much the same as looking with both eyes is not the same as watching a movie in 3D with those glasses.

I don't care for 3D, but Gravity was ok in 3D. I made sure to see it in 2D first, though (it was amazing).

The Adventures of Tin Tin was nigh unwatchable in 2D0— i can't imagine what it was like in 3D.

You don't really think that's how it works, do you?

I love 'em both. Wouldn't argue for either or against either— both are deserving of whatever praise they get. But one does rank higher in my top 100 films list (i actually did a top 300 (i was unemployed at the time)). If i see you at the bar, i'll fill you in.

Caught it on cable a week or two ago. Looks fantastic, kinda boring, good cast (with the exception of Sam Worthington(is he gone yet?)). It's ok. Never saw it in theaters though, never in 3D. Would see the sequel.

Why do i gotta be the dang dronkey?

I'm going to not see it for the fifth time in the theater this weekend.

Or a Law & Order: SVU marathon.

I saw Titanic 4 times in the theater. Once with fiends, once with the girlfriend (she didn't care for it— she liked Contact more), and twice by myself. Sure, the romance is dumb, but Kate Winslet was fetching as hell, Gloria Stewart was cool, and all the ship sinking stuff was, in the truest sense of the word,

I saw Regarding Henry twice in a row when a friend an i, after the movie was over, wondered what would happen if we just didn't get up and leave. Turns out, nothing.

I've seen tons of movies in the theater more than once, too many to count. If a movie's great, i want to see it again as soon as possible, and not on a television screen. Recently, i saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Gravity, Mad Max: Fury Road, and yes, The Force Awakens, in the theater twice. Something like

Yeah, it had this weird thing where it made ships against the backdrop of space, or Rey's speeder against sand and sky, seem really, really small. It even happened with shots of people. It very much worked *against* the vast scope the film had in 2D (which i saw first— i'm no fan of 3D, but my movie companion is).

Um, you can have both? Is anyone arguing to get rid of digital? At this point, that wouldn't even be possible.

This article is wrong. They are worse than i remember. The first two, apart from two or three cool scenes, were just awful, awful, awful. The third one's not too bad, but it's not too good either, and it still contains some awful stuff. The only awful stuff in the real Star Wars trilogy is the shit Lucas added in

"I'd really like to go back and look up my reaction tweets" LOL

Sadie Frost was my particular favorite from that film.

Make Alderaan Great Again

"…And some, i assume, are good Sand People."

Enjoyed the episode for the most part, but Kevin Hart, really? Dude's a hack, and an unfunny one at that. His popularity is a mystery to me.