
And the results of that combo, later:

I think you’re on to something with Euglena. Maybe we should let plants have a go with intelligence. They’re chill.

Well, not to be rude or anything, but in the mindset of a republican*, not having to feed prisoners because they are on a hunger strike will actually save money so.. Two birds one stone ?

By all means.

Because data ($).

Well, this is a family-accessible site, so...


To me the whole thing felt pre-recorded and it also felt it was done over a green screen. There seemed to be color keying artifacts around his hair.

TL/DR; version:

“God blesh the United Shtatesh”

Ah. So it’s a cheap Chinese knock-off of Contrast, complete with the same mechanics and esthetics.

Your Android device phones home on unlock or lock, on application open/close and generally every other 30 seconds or so. It sends requests to ever changing, coded subdomains of, which is owned by google. (Get it? 1^100, ie: a google). It sends what I can only assume are metrics about your geolocation,

I guess that being not-gray means you are re-approved?

Because starting a fight [...] in a tight space like that an elderly woman in the aisle could get her wrists snapped as someone is pushed onto her (which I have seen happen at a family bbq sadly)

oh. so you survived. hmm.

I want to know this guy’s story. Did he snort the soot from the upside down car’s exhaust or something?

It’ll probably smell of weed everywhere for the next week or two while all the potheads celebrate, before mostly going back to normal.

A week later, updating their dating Curriculum Vitae:

Seriously. What next, you have to apply SCRUM methods ? Set calendar reminders to fight ? Bring up bullet-point lists in powerpoint ? Do you do a post-mortem after the inevitable breakup ?