
Ah, the unwritten rule where companies have to wait to the morning just after Halloween before going full-speed with the Christmas ads has finally been broken!

Ah, the unwritten rule where companies have to wait to the morning just after Halloween before going full-speed with

Pictured: thescale99's idea of an American NFL Watch party


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Things would have been much better throughout human history if the leaders that had a beef with another solved their problems with a good ol’ “punch each other’s face” match until the victor was left standing.

Instead they’re cowards and wage wars, sending thousands of innocent people to their deaths instead.

Also this nazi bullshit is starting to seep trough the border:

Ah, true! I totally forgot about the Wolfenstein 3D style. Though I think the render area was smaller still, as if viewed trough goggles as a gimmick to explain that fact.

Then again, the SNES by itself was unable to render 3D. It required a coprocessor (like the Super FX) which was provided by the cartridge, not the actual console.

Ah, yes we both have Latin roots and we’re a bit OT ;) I got curious and did a bit of searching. from what I gather the closest is harmful or nefarious.
I’ve seen one example written as how I would have expected, but it shows up with a red squiggle: “Of course, this has nefast consequences for people requiring urgent

It’s relatively common to use “néfaste” in French. For a second I was sure there was a direct equivalent in English and went: “That can’t be right. Nefasti.. Nef.. Nefastitious?”

Turns out you guys seem to be using nefarious as the closest equivalent.

I recommend giving a listen to the original TED talk.

i dont know where these guys get their info but it seems to be from an alternate reality than i live in

Isn’t a 2000 pounds winch a tad too strong ? What if your sheets get around your foot as you move during the night, snagging and breaking your ankle (and subsequently every other bone of your body as it slowly pulls and rolls you into that little box under the bed) ?

I’ve had a lot of replies (some dickish) about “all serials killers” not necessarily using guns, there’s poison, bombs etc etc.

This article is about mass shooters.

That was 4 days ago and it’s still the main header because people keep reading and commenting on it I guess.

When he talks, It seems like his brain is permanently stuck in the present with only the previous two or three adjacent words as a semantic buffer - he then only has those few words to make up the context of whatever the hell he was saying.

1642, try 612.
He seems to have an 818.
Can you feel this?
4814... Avoid the 714 and the 2336.

Unfortunately our political system doesn’t reflect the desires of the majority

Too efficient. Too easy. It allows to kill at a distance instead of exposing yourself, say like with a knife.