Fun little though here - what about Melania, Isn’t she of Slavic origin ?
Fun little though here - what about Melania, Isn’t she of Slavic origin ?
So, basically send them to bed as soon as they get back from school, got ya.
“Damn them chinese...”
Thanks! it’s on the Des Carrieres bike path near Rosemont Metro.
Exact, that’s from the bike path, where Des Carrieres becomes Henri Julien. Rosemont metro is on the right side relative to the picture.
It was only two paying passengers getting reaccommodated with the help of a taser gun.
1: Kinja is a blog platform. Not a true news outlet.
2: Kinja Articles/Posts convey opinions, therefore are not truly abiding to the rules of journalism. While they have select writers and editors for the curated topics, anyone can write their own articles. Proofreading that content is most likely time and cost…
a lady who was looking at her phone swiped me
It is specifically targeted at abuse victims. Sub-section 17, item f:
Thx! I meant your workplace ;)
We might work around the same area. Let me guess, on De Gaspé ?
Suggested setup for proper operation of your Nintendo Switch controllers:
This shit is scary. Linked from that twitter account:
bonus points for also matching the lighting
Actually, you should cherish those memories from simpler times.
Well that sounds like a happy childhood..... o_O
Did your parents always encourage and support your endeavors by destroying the fruit of your labor like that ?