Please. Like the US was the only country funding those programs. Get over yourself.
OMG, my Walk To Remember story is excellent.
My fear is that since they rip off everyone all of this is a ploy by Pence and Ryan to undermine Trump by letting him do whatever he wants, effectively setting himself up for the headshot, then getting all Machiavelli like Frank Underwood and stealing the presidency.
I sometimes enjoy her writing but a word of warning - her strongest writing was what she produced in the late 70s and early 80s, and it is very much a product of her time. So be prepared for transphobia and gender essentialism. I think her voice is important, but she can also be dreadfully wrong with no faint whiff of…
Counter point - she is a beautiful tropical fish/musk-ox/land mermaid who’s ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American melting pot.
It will never cease to amaze me how important it is to right wingers to “fight back” against the practice of mandating what women are allowed to wear in public — by mandating what women are allowed to wear in public.
I’ve been rewatching Friends and Ross is the fucking worst. He acted like he owned Rachel when they were dating. And I never want to hear the words “We were on a break” ever again.
Agree. Wow, is it not ok for her to adopt and worry about her child and encourage her? Snark where snark is due, please.
No. Absolutely nothing
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.’ve got your cousins, then you’ve got your first cousins, then you’ve got your second cousins...
I’m having a hard time today with people with privilege taking it personally when other people speak up against the thing their group has done.
But I don’t WANNA be a pirate!
Agreed. Toxic people want interaction because they don’t know the difference between good relating and bad relating. To them, it’s relating. They’re the kinda people you gotta ghost with and then don’t even try to look back. No sentimentality, no checking in. Disappear and scorch the earth behind you.
My fear for Anxiety Monster is that her “friend” will not let her get off with such a simple email. If she’s truly a drama queen, she’ll rage at her on social media and be ruthless when talking about her to their mutual friends.
Hey, Melania was only taking the job no American would do.
Worst week of my life? Probably two years ago. One night I told my husband of over a decade that I was going to leave, because he was mean to me and made me afraid of him.