
I say: Bathrobes are a scam.

Way harsh Tai

Ask yourself why you feel it’s ok to remain friends with this person. This type of thing is why Trump got this far—if you still hang out with this person, you are tacitly accepting his racism.

I sometimes watch Reign just to see her.

No one can ever replace Megan Follows. If I’m not un-greyed for this truth bomb alone, there is no justice in the world.

There are former Sanders fans out there who claim to be Gary Johnson voters. It’s like “Does your only knowledge of libertarianism come from Parks and Rec?”

I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one person that can play Jackie Jormp-Jomp...



So I walked out of my job yesterday. Like, handed over the office key and peaced da faq out. I haven’t quit a job like that in at least 15 years. (I work in entertainment ((costume dept)) so I switch up jobs frequently.) My boss, the designer, is/was such a hack AND a lazy fuck that I finally reached the breaking

Aw, wish everyone wasn’t so knee-jerk judgy about this as I’m going through separation after 4 1/2 years of dating and 1 year of marriage right now. It turned out on top of the other fundamental issues in my relationship, I was unable to also tolerate cheating after 10 months of marriage. The loud whispers are

Shut the fuck up, jizzsock.

I don’t think Mariah knows her.

So, he’s sexually assaulted several people in public, with many witnesses present. How is this asshole not in jail?

ok, we will, but they’ll need a lot of water and attention to really thrive.

Yeah, I think what matters is ultimately psychological realism. Because in real life, no one is inherently good or bad, but inevitably a mix of both. Like, Don Draper is almost certainly an unabashed asshole, but he’s still compelling because he’s psychologically complex.

Me too. Also, cell phone cameras and easily-obtainable digital photography.