
The tips she gives about parents monitoring their teen’s social media are great but I’m beginning to think that parents need to start thinking about their children’s internet privacy long before that.

I’d say she was being hypocritical if she had said that, like, yesterday.

Because it’s her letter and her husband and her death and she gets to do it the way she wants.

i mean, are you trying to date this man? why do you care whether he sounds too perfect or not?

she’s not saying it’s perfect.

Can I still ask questions about Friday Night Lights?

Now playing

There is only one Evergreen of Oscars. It won for 1976:

“Two words for you, Ma...”

Christie Brinkley? I think you’re confusing her with Gayle Gergich


She’s Peggy Olson. Peggy Olson. (I repeat that to make it sounds more authoritative.)

This summer, many farms in Washington state had trouble bringing crops in because immigration had tightened so considerably, the folks who typically made up the crews were either denied access or too worried to try. A public radio show interviewed farmers who said they’d posted help wanted ads. People without

YES! They literally changed the ending, which defeated basically the entire point of the story.


Exactly. The orange-haired moron precedent has been set. I felt sick when I saw her crowing on the news when Trump won. She seriously thinks she’s next. And the media encourages her because they love the soundbites.

Fellow librarian here (public not school library, but this is how I go about it)- do you have any circulation data? Since it’s a school library I don’t know if you mostly just have stuff that’s used in the school, or actually taken out. Anything that hasn’t been used in 5+years or is 20+ years old can absolutely go,

I can’t tell you how much I hate Trump and his supporters. Every article I read about him has dozens of morons championing his actions and trumpeting their bigotry. The scary part is that these articles are ones I’m reading here in Australia and I fear that we may be influenced to turn down a similar path. All of us

I had the same thought. Feminism means protecting fetuses! And lower taxes! Feminism means never having to say Happy Holidays! My local diner serves Pepsi products instead of Coke, and every time I go I’m like “excuse me, I’m a FEMINIST.” Feminism is against net neutrality because women can profit from monopolies

I know just the woman for the job!

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things: