
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.

Yup, Max had gone past him and Lewis retook the position back by going off the track. And I agree: in the end it didn’t matter...of course it MAY have been possible for Max to keep Lewis behind and it could’ve been a different looking race, but as you say since Max won fair and square luckily that controversy is water

Hell, that’s more help for Lewis than Bottas gave him.

Prime membership

I’m glad we can always rely on you for an opinion from the Hamilton peanut gallery. Even if it happens to be mostly correct in this case.

Lewis was warned for running max off the track while max was yielding the position and Lewis knew he was. Lewis was being a huge prick in that moment because it was payback time and the FIA didn’t miss that. 

l got one of the good ones - 2007 G35S sedan (VQ35HR) with the 6-speed manual and rear active steer. I doubt I will ever let it go.

You seem to be suffering from an overload of arrogance if you think you or the car modding scene and their work in getting a Supra to 1000whp somehow had any influence in convincing Toyota to make another version. The Supra had a following long-before you or anybody figured out how to mod them and Toyota had an

I never seen so much BS in one comment on Jalopnik.

This is the worst take

Dude you’ve got Way too much of your identity wrapped up in being a supra fan, it’s not healthy or cool

Part of me is impressed that Nintendo is actually acknowledging the Melee community after all this time.

Well the bad news is that you’ve reached about 3 dozen people with this message and it’s looking like Christmas is proceeding like normal, so maybe we could also just pay the people responsible for shipping this stuff a worthwhile wage.

You put Mazepin in a train and he’ll somehow spin it. 

Reminder: my See and Eks keys are kaput...

None of those things happened dumbass

Hope this helps a little.

You sent me down a ten minute rabbit hole of Googling “Dan Castellaneta Greenwich CT”, “Does Dan Castellaneta live in Connecticut”, “Dan Castellaneta address” and I think I’m on a list now

But, it's still Alabama that's why.

That requires it to be still running at the end of that year.