
traverse the changes in elevation one wheel at a time, aka, go diagonal to the slope, very slowly.

maybe they just shouldn’t play god damn baseball in march. no baseball in march! there’s too much baseball! play baseball in the summer! what a stupid idea!


0/10 try harder

i hear you but this article is written for people who don’t have space/hundreds of dollars to spend on multiple good saws (or in other words, are not “somewhat serious”). if you have to pick between a corded circular and a inexpensive single-bevel miter saw, most average homeowners are better situated with the corded

i kind of disagree here, the only reason to pick a miter saw over a circular is if you’re cutting stuff at angles other than 90 and 45. the others you can line up a speedsquare and crosscut it pretty dang fast.

go fuck yourself

You have a lot of stuff wrong here and are taking like 4 different notional concepts of “ownership” putting them all in a pot and saying it’s the same thing, but I’m going to skip that for now. Like, Van Gogh’s heirs can’t just walk into a museum and take his paintings off the wall. 

you’ve gotten a few good technical explanations so i’ll give you that passes the eye-test a little differently:

i also played goalie but decided not to in college, this is about as good an explanation as you can give.


That argument might fly 20 years ago, but we’re talking about a song where the entire premise is a disembodied white guy getting to say it. The entire crutch relies on white people, it’s weird to me that they would be deliberately excluded from the art.

it’s because when you buy “season tickets” it doesn’t mean “the season starting after, like, a few weeks, when the weather’s getting better.” i would think at least.

there’s snow on the ground here why are we playing baseball, this is insane. there is too much baseball! less baseball!!

ohh, requests, i’d like a popular kendrick lamar song. but not just like humble or something too too recent and obvious. maybe from his last album. oh! “Alright” yes that please

If you don’t mind, would you be willing to share what state you live in, or like a major city? No worries either way.

i know people can pick up rice with chopsticks but this is ridiculous

I’m sorry for your loss. If I could take it back, believe me I would.

I don’t usually do this but just this once. In the 2-for-1 trade, he’s the 1. Like, what is usually given up in a 2-for-1 anyways? It kind of ambiguous. It’s a stupid term. It should be “just get two possessions.” Could they have considered the 1 to be a person? It seems crazy but then you consider humanity. There are
