
No Browns fans can pass the test for a food handler permit.

Bolero, not porkpie, not fedora.

Pelican parts are always on back-order for some reason.

My friend Jerry makes $5000 per month and he never has to leave the house! And you can too!

You, sir or madam, appear to be mercifully free of experience with the general public. An appaling number of them are, indeed, complete morons.

“Yeah, see, here’s your problem: these teams fucking suck.”

In the case of modern diesels, almost, if not all are using SCR and urea. SCR uses a chemical reactant, usually DEF to convert into ammonia and reacts with the NOx in the catalyst.

Seems likely that the government can use and collect this information (sort of like cops do license-plate scans and keep the data) all they want; what is perhaps more troubling is that a private company gets to collect it and sit on it, maybe for years. It would be interesting to know whether Opus has built into their

This. But we all know who wins the Facebook martyr-off: stay at home moms.

Reading this entire piece in the voice of the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons is the only way to truly capture its ability to whine at length about nothing.

Censoring “ass” on the internet is rock solid proof that you are a Packers’ fan living in Minneapolis.

Every team and every fanbase makes it easy. The reason it’s easy is that the NFL is basically an organization run by cartoon villains, owned by kleptocrats, played by murderous wife-beaters and worshipped by the worst collective stereotype of American Idiocracy.

Colts’ bolts jolt dolts.

This feels like half an article. Topic idea: What the military did about the problem of an alarming number of recruits being labeled as psychopaths. One paragraph background information on war. 2 paragraphs of extremely general information on psychiatry. One (concluding?) paragraph about one man who developed an

Can someone please explain to me how one hour becomes three hours in less than five minutes?

I would argue that the philosophy you quote there isn't really Libertarian... or it is, if you also include "...and anybody who doesn't have money should just die in the streets because Darwin, and we don't need roads to drive on, and I could seriously do without that whole System of Laws thing."

I can see Ray Lewis' Spring line is doing well.

If Michael Bay designed cars, I'm pretty sure this is what they'd look like.