
Dirtbag dealers are one thing, but one HUGE takeaway here is that Kia Motors North America isn’t willing to step in and help would-be buyers, even as they know their dealers are shady. That’s not a good look.

“I regret that I wasn’t as articulate as I should have been in conveying this thought.”

Dude, they said it was a Cruze Premium.

Nice write up. As an aside, I really enjoy the column more since you took it over from that Graverobber guy. Man, was he an asshole.

“It’s got nothing to do with the alt-weekly mentioned in the story [anymore].”

I’d like to hear more about this, please. Feel free to go into detail.

Had one of these, with the non-16v Digifant FI engine. Awful. The Digifant, I mean. Loved the car but that injection was crap. How does an FI system flood, for God’s sake? A mechanic friend showed me how to unplug the power wire to the FI when it flooded, start it and let it run until it starved out, then plug the

And a regular guest spot on Fox and Friends.

Well, it sounds like somebody is definitely racist against possums, anyway.

I KNEW Donald Trump was a Jalopnik reader!

I dd’d a ‘68 Beetle for a while in college that had been brush-painted with barn-red latex. It looked like shit but held up shockingly well.

I was taught not to add superfluous “that”s to sentences, and how to hyphenate correctly. Also that nobody cares what I was taught.

They really are awful. If they treat their employees this poorly, it’s no wonder they seem so miserable when you have to deal with them. Which I refuse to do anymore.

Trying to figure out how a 6'7" QB has pass after pass batted down was going to make my brain hurt all year anyway.


Molay really PUMPS MY NADS.

Just FYI: True or not, saying “shit happens” when discussing dead children is not typically a great look.

Is that also from the ad? Like, included under the driver’s seat?

There not good writers but there classy.