
Not all of the subsequent ones were bad per say but the original riviera was best:

Replica Vader and replica Stig in a replica Spyder.

What would these sanctimonious assholes in Happy Valley have to say if this child rape had happened at the "U"?

Well, what do you expect them to do to keep Saban around? They had already offered to buy him the second nicest house in the state and were refused, even after they had the wheels removed.

To be fair, it is the law that all dogs be on leash in any CA State Park, on their website they even say dogs must be in a car or tent at night. And if he didn't come when you called him, then he wasn't under your control.

It was originally Warren Machinenowitz, but it was changed at Ellis Island.

I puked from chemo last night... #humblebrag

Don't worry, D'Brick's got this one.

You shrieking, cowering child.

I was a 21-year-old college student when I snail-mailed (this was 1991) a story I wrote for a class to Automobile. The lady herself, whom I'd been reading since I was about 10, called to tell me she loved it. They gave me $2k for the story, the first magazine piece I ever sold. It won a big award and I wrote stuff and…

How about everyone NOT watch the video and NOT give the little prick 5 minutes of fame...even if he is now dead? People "tuning in" is exactly what these sick asshats thrive on. You're just helping create the next one....

No evil crypto-fascist murals?

That's a crap load of vodka

How many dB would you say the point of this article made as it sailed over your head?

"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air."